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Kistler's Trick Tips


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Hello Ballers, I just joined. Not enough trick discussion going on, so I thought I’d stir the pot.


I have been a trick skier for nearly 60 years and have been fortunate to enjoy some measure of success. In that time I’ve learned a few things that other trickers might find helpful, and so I thought I’d post a series of Trick Tips. I’m not saying that my way is the best way or will work for everybody. It’s just what works for me. Maybe some of my hints will work for you too. These will be posted in no particular order. Feedback will be welcomed.


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  • Baller

1. Visualize the trick.


Before you can do a trick on the water, you must be able to see it in your mind. Work on imagining yourself performing the trick correctly. Update your vision to incorporate what you learn. You will see top trick skiers doing a sort of pantomime on the starting dock, going through the motions of their trick run, mentally practicing before ever putting on a ski.


2. Study Video.


One of the best ways to learn is to study video. Look at video of the better skiers in your division at full speed and in slow motion. Notice their posture, how they pass the handle, how they turn their head, how they pull in the toe leg. Sometimes very subtle movements can make big difference. What is the key to that trick? (Watching skiers that are the next level above you can sometimes be more helpful than watching the 10K plus superstars. The technique that the elite skiers use to achieve such speed and power may not be what you need to learn the trick initially.)


Study video of yourself. I have a GoPro mount on my pylon and my wife videos every practice session. I review the video afterwards to evaluate what I’m doing right or wrong. It can be revealing. Sometimes the way the trick looks is a whole lot different from the way it feels. When you successfully perform a trick, make note of what you did right so that you can visualize it and repeat it the next time. Keep a notebook.


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  • Baller
I've never been on a trick - trying to "coach" my kids progression - any tips on what the progression should look like in the early days for a 8 yr old and 10 yr old? The boys LOVE it - when they get stuck at a speed for slalom its great that they can fall back on trick and work on that. everyone tells me tricking will help their slalom.
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  • Baller

Others with kids can probably be of more help than me. I’m old school, so I would start them on two skis with a typical SS, B, F, O, WB, WF progression. It’s out of print but you might be able to find a copy of my book Hit It! which covers those beginner tricks. Finding a suitable pair of skis can be a problem these days.


I really don’t see the connection with slalom. In my opinion, they should trick for the joy of tricking.

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  • Baller_

@LK_skier it is much better to start kids on 1 ski and go straight to a hardshell. Too much downside with 2 skis, especially for kids. At the beginning stage, time riding the ski and jumping the wakes is just as important as learning tricks. If they each have a ski, its lots of fun to double ski and spray each other and screw around.


Progression should be:

Sideslide and reverse


Full back - learn to ride the ski backwards for a long time and cross the wakes backwards

O and reverse

Wake front starting outside the wake in backwrap and landing inside the wakes

Wake back starting outside the wake, landing inside the wake in backwrap

Then wake back going outside the wake landing in backwrap


Toes, toes toes. Little kids learn toe tricks very quickly. If you don't have a rope release, you can just hold the rope in your hand for 8-10 yo.

Spend time riding and crossing the wakes with the toestrap on, then toe back (TB) and toe front (TF), the toe wake back TWB and TWF, then Toe side and reverse


Balance on the ski is critical for slalom and even more so for tricks. The balance they learn in tricks will absolutely improve their slalom.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield thanks for that = perfect and thanks for the explanation of what trick is what. They are on a single. Having fun clearing the wake atm but my older boy is now able to do all the tricks up to and including the Wake front. The wake back is next then!


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