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Ski camps for kids?

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For snow skiers, I know there are some great summer camps like Mt. Hood where they can work on skills. Is there an equivalent for water skiing? Are there certain camps that people love? Our daughter is 7 and loves water skiing. She’s fairly new to slalom but will be doing it a lot this summer. Thinking about next summer and would love some recommendations. She loves alpine racing and would probably love skiing a course. Thanks!
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  • Baller
10 yr old daughter just got back from Coble ski camp and had an amazing time. She is an alpine racer as well and opted out of Mt Hood with her ski team to do this camp. When I picked her up she said “Dad, this totally blows away snow skiing. I love this” :)She and my 7yr old will be going next year as well. Happy to chat about her experience anytime.
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  • Baller

I think that the regions have youth development camps each summer. In the West, there were camps in Idaho, Sacramento, and the Bakersfield area this summer. Not sure about other Geos. Our daughter was invited to camp when she signed up for a USA water ski number and started competitions. FWIW.


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