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Is this ski out of my league?


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Hi everyone


I am a relatively new skier. I have been skiing for maybe 5 years with the last 2 in the course. I am 15 years old and so far I am absolutely loving skiing. I completed my first 15 off pass the other day and I couldn’t be happier.


I have a good deal on a HO syndicate which is a bit out of my range. What I mean by this is too my knowledge the syndicate is a course specific ski. Currency about 2/3 of my skiing is in a course and 1/3 is free skiing. Though, I am hoping to spend a lot more time in the course for the rest of the season as it is so much fun.


So, should I try to get this ski and progress into it, or should I find something less aggressive that fits my current skiing.


Any comments would be much appreciated



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  • Baller

My opinion: there is zero downside to having a more "advanced" ski other than cost.


The caveats are: the ski needs to be the right size for your ski speed and weight; a comfortable secure binding system is also important; and you need to know how to measure the fin (or have access to someone who does) to make sure the fin is at least in stock position because adjustable fins can move both intentionally and unintentionally.

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  • Baller
Absolutely agree with @jjackkrash - no downside to getting a higher end ski than you need today. It will help you progress but more importantly not hold you back. You’re at the age where your skiing will rapidly progress if you keep your water time high . Definitely get the best ski you can . You’ll be glad you did
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  • Baller_
So stoked to see a young man enthusiastic about the course!! What's your weight & height and what size ski are you considering. You are fortunate to have 2/3course time. Lessons at your age would be awesome and also help you with a ski choice. Keep us posted on your progress!!
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  • Baller

Do you know which Syndicate ski it is? They have made a bunch of different models. Some are more friendly than others. As was said earlier, having the fin set to stock numbers is helpful. It would help for knowing where the front binding needs to be.

Are you able to ski it before buying? That really will tell you more than anything else

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  • Baller
If it’s a good price I say go for it, even if it’s not the “right” model ski for you. you will likely outgrow a 65” in a year or 2 and as said above there is little to no downside to upgrading. Still super fun to rip some open water turns on a top end ski for the 1/3 of the time
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  • Baller
I'm going to disagree with the others. ONLY because of your age/size. You will likely be growing pretty quick in the next couple years. If you can get into something for a little less money in a 65" that will be fine for your current abilities, you can save a little money now for other things (lesson?) and you'll probably be wanting to get a 67 in the next year or 2.
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Thank you all for your input!! I think I am going to get the HO syndicate or something similar if I can find it since the pros outweigh the cons by A LOT. I think it would be best to progress on a higher end ski, then later down the line I can just get a bigger one.


Again I appreciate all the comments it was super helpful!



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