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Dry suit seal repair - any tips


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  • Baller

Have an ankle seal that ripped out on me yesterday so need to replace. Any tips folks have?

Is bare the only seal supplier out there?

Is Aquaseal with Cotol the ‘go to’ adhesive?

Have watched a bunch of videos but not having done it before wanted to ask before I start.


Also love late October… all the boats are off the lake, so wonderful!!

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  • Baller

You can get seals at Amazon as well. https://www.amazon.com/Gear-Up-Guide-Bottle-Latex/dp/B07BGXQTGB/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=2ENWRB5DWA1SR&keywords=drysuit+seals&qid=1667240914&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjc4IiwicXNhIjoiMy41NiIsInFzcCI6IjIuODcifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=Drysuit+sea%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1

Get the available contact cement and then just seal the edges with Aquaseal. Less expensive and easier to replace when the time comes. Use MEK substitute to remove the old seal glue.

Get high, Get fast, and do some good work.

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  • Baller_

@Kwoody51 is it a baggy nylon suit - if so, easy to change wrist & leg seals. Wiley's in Seattle has them for you. I buy a big tube of Gear Aid Seam Grip - similar to Aqua seal- store in the freezer it lasts over a year. I use an inflatable anesthesia bag in the arm/leg to get the perfect shape and put equal pressure on the seam (your local veterinarian may sell you one; I put a valve in the end to hold the pressure). Electrical tape around the seam lip overnite while it sets. i use a hairdryer to soften the old glue when removing the old seal, then alcohol rub and some sandpaper before putting on new one. I got my current baggy in 1994 and have changed alot of seals over the years.

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  • Baller

@Rednucleus - yes it’s a baggy dry suit. Specially one from barefoot international.

Good idea on the inflatable. Someone else said use a ballon but like the idea I’d something cylindrical vs sphere shaped.

Good news is I have a spare dry suit and a few months to get this repaired as no way will my driver be taking me out anytime soon :)

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  • Baller

I replaced all the seals on my baggy probably 10 years ago, still holding good. Suit is probably 25 years old. Got the kit from Overton's I think, worked well. Had to scrounge around the kitchen/garage for the right sized spheres to prep the seals, never thought about something inflatable. Take your time, make sure the prep is good and good luck!Kevin

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  • Baller_

@Kwoody51 My buddy has a BI suit. Several shops refused to work on that brand for him. I have changed wrist & ankle seals for him and the originals were a huge PIA to get off vs other suits I have changed. Actually resorted to a straight edge razor blade to get all the residual glue & seals off. Usually a 30 minute job per seal for me, 2-3 hrs for the BI suit :( Here's a pic of his suit

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  • Baller

I have a baggy O’Neill Boost suit, it has multiple leaks, mostly around the area where the suspenders attach. Really frustrating as the suit has probably been used less than 20 times and it’s about 3 or 4 years old. It started leaking at less than 2 years old. I’ve tried patching it and it can’t get stop the leaks. Any suggestions?

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