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Looking forward to riding new ski :-)


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I'm really looking forward to riding this more than typical for a new ski. Should be great fun and so cruisy compared to my efforts on my Senate Probuildq9szlg3rf698.jpgLatest HO Hovercraft. Got it as a boat ski for learners and other to play on. Have two sets of bindings to cover foot sizes.Found a video of @MarcusBrown running easy 28' on one. Hopefully the link works. The 28' off is at 1:30 https://vod-progressive.akamaized.net/exp=1669071811~acl=%2Fvimeo-prod-skyfire-std-us%2F01%2F1584%2F11%2F282920430%2F1063282966.mp4~hmac=c06e356120dd30a366f5d825d37326008537ee2ddd5083b581185a57e70a95df/vimeo-prod-skyfire-std-us/01/1584/11/282920430/1063282966.mp4

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  • Baller

I think you will be surprised at the ride.

I can tell you it is decent for someone getting up on (One) ski for the first time.

It does not compare to the Radar Senate. I absolutely love the Senate and Vapor ski.

Post that video of you running 28 off on the hovercraft!

Btw Marcus is running 15 off, I do see at the end of video it appears as if he is at 28’ off


Good luck!

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  • Baller

I love my Senate & this certainly isn't a replacement for me. It's additional.Number 1 intent is its as a learners ski rather than putting them on two skis. Hopefully direct on rope but if necessary off my training boom then progress to handle off boom, then short rope off tower then 18.25m rope.Number 2 is I can play slashing wakes, jumping, etc. I'm so looking forward to trying it out it's almost number 1!Number 3 is that less skilled friends can learn the course using it.

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  • Baller

Enjoy! the hovercraft hovergraft is a super fun ski. I use mine more than my course ski because I can use it behind our I/O or our Pontoon and I've had so many other people use it Looks like they have FINALLY added inserts to the ski for regular bindings. I'm going to have to buy a new one just to get those inserts no offense to HO but I'd rather swap wileys around than use those things.

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  • Supporting Member

Great concept! A ski that is designed to slalom at very low speeds is exactly what a true beginner needs. For most people, 28mph is way to fast to learn course basics and have success, but it's hard to go slower than that on "normal" slalom skis.

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  • Baller

@03RLXi welcome to the revolution! We have had so much success in introducing people to the sport with the HoverCraft. More importantly, we have retained skiers, and taught them the proper technique and slalom course on HoverCraft before moving on to Freeride or Omni. I personally ride it when I just want to take a break and do some fun turns (course or free) and not having to worry about buoy count or tournaments. That said, it is remarkable how the feelings I have on it at 34kmh are strikingly similar to short like at 58kmh.


Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller

@Luzz hopefully I get a chance to try it this coming weekend. Weather and pre Christmas activities have prevented any boat time since receiving it :-(
I'm coaching our clubs childrens ski school 19-21st Dec so might even put some of them on it. When I say 'coaching' it's low level, getting absolute begineers up and helping others drop a ski type level.

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  • Baller

Gave it a try yesterday. What an absolute blast to ski on! So so much fun slashing the wakes and attempting to jump the wakes. I've never gotten up so easily. It'd be great for physically challenged people. I found that a quick pull out edge and you're right up at 90degs or even more alongside the boat. I did find the tail feels really loose so that was odd. Definitely can feel the ski flexing. Didn't have much time so only tried it with PP set to 27kph. Will try increasing it to 30kph next time out. A challenge between friends to who can run the course slowest would be really entertaining.

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