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2023 Predictions?


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What will be the surprise in elite skiing? Will a dark horse pop up?

Records broken?

Who will be the next man to run 41?

Who will be the next woman to run 39?

What skis will get all the buzz?

New technology?

What are we not taking about in Jan 2023 that we will be talking about in Jan 2024?

Other? Anything?

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I will go first.

  • Howley will run 41
  • Poland will jump 240
  • Fred Winter and Will Asher will run 41 ten times combined at Pro events
  • Charley Ross will break into the top ten on the IWSF slalom list
  • Federico Jaramillo will be not far behind Chuck Ross
  • Fred Winter will score many 1/4 balls
  • No new woman runs 39 but Liz Island gets to 5 ball.
  • It will be a banner year for new skis. There will be a lot to be exited about. ( I am sure about this  prediction) 
  • @twhisper will live another year



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  • Baller

ok @Hortontesting or trying anything out from the east coast area of South Carolina? Hoping so!

Also hoping Ms. Nicholson will complete the 39  pass this year. She's been getting halfway down it fairly consistent. I do believe more women will run it this year. The ladies put up a lot of great scores last year. 

I believe Ross and Howley will run 41 also. Still betting on Caldwell also!!

Come on ski season!!!!!!

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@ghutchCaldwell? Hmmmm that is interesting. I certainty do not want to bet against him but I would need some odds. Plenty of folks cheering for him. I believe he as one 3 & one 3.5s & two 4s at 41 (58k).  

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  • Baller

No one new gets through 41, except maybe Charlie

Jamie Bull gets within a buoy of the world record

HO Works 01 is the ski to talk about 

Poland does crazy stuff, maybe 240, maybe breaks his own overall record

no new women get through 39

Freddie stays Freddie, a lot of 41’s

I piss off a bunch of people with this post (and many more to come)

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