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Another help me pick a ski post!


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Grew up skiing as a kid but havent skiied in about 15 years
35 now and wife has given the ok to buy a boat so I am looking at skis and getting confused by whats changed

My last ski was a connelly f1 which I really liked

So question is do I default to another high end course ski?
Its pretty windy here so most days will mean skiing chop.

Can I mix and match bindings from other brands?

There is a HO Carbon Omni on sale my size but not sure what an open water ski would feel like

Should also add no demo days or local shops so hard to try something first
No dad bod yet so still fit 😛


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  • Baller

What speed do you ski and do you ski the slalom course or open water? Knowing nothing about your ability, there are 3 skis that consistently show up in this type of thread, and for good reason; the Radar Senate, HO Omni, and Connelly V. A lot of people love the Omni. I love the Radar Senate and see it consistently skied in the course through 12M (35 off) as well as being a great open water ski. The Connelly V is very highly regarded and many have said it can be skied into reasonably short line (35-38 off?). 
Any of those 3 would be my starting point. Funny thing is, 10 years ago I started skiing again at age 35 and after not skiing 15-20 years. 

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Almost anything is mid range or high end is going to feel amazing compared to your old F1.

With current mid or high end ski and bindings, almost everything is interchangeable. 


As for the HO Carbon Omni is a very stable ski. Lot of skiers like that ski a lot. Compared to your Connelly it is the other end of the spectrum. 

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I wouldn't hesitate to grab that HO Carbon Omni.  You will absolutely love it!  It is fast, turns effortlessly, super low drag, a real game changer in my opinion.

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On 2/1/2024 at 1:06 AM, aupatking said:

What speed do you ski and do you ski the slalom course or open water? Knowing nothing about your ability, there are 3 skis that consistently show up in this type of thread, and for good reason; the Radar Senate, HO Omni, and Connelly V. A lot of people love the Omni. I love the Radar Senate and see it consistently skied in the course through 12M (35 off) as well as being a great open water ski. The Connelly V is very highly regarded and many have said it can be skied into reasonably short line (35-38 off?). 
Any of those 3 would be my starting point. Funny thing is, 10 years ago I started skiing again at age 35 and after not skiing 15-20 years. 

open water
id say still advanced
i could course on shorter lines but it was a long time ago so ill be rusty and I definately dont have waterskiiers arms right now.

connelly was fast but I'd describe as a bit squirrelly when it was choppy

I'm thinking grab the omni then re-evaluate in a year and see if i want something more aggressive.


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  • Baller

@d36_ I don't think you could go wrong trying the Omni. Like I said, a lot of people love it. The biggest reason I asked about your current skiing is the "build level", such as Syndicate Omni or Carbon Omni, or any other level they may have. As I said, I'm much more familiar with the Radar lineup. The Radar Senate is offered in the Pro Build, Lithium, Graphite, and Alloy. The Connelly V is available in the V and the Carbon V. They each share the same ski model shape, but different materials. For what you are currently doing, I'd go with what you can get the best deal on. Like you said, ski it for a year and re-evaluate. No matter what, you'll enjoy the ride!

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