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Everything posted by dchristman

  1. I don't know if you already found one yet, but here you go! https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Bindings&postid=69792
  2. If you are just now noticing that version 9 of the software is available when it's been available for several years, I have to wonder if you have updated firmware in the GPS. There was an update to fix a bug that caused problems back in late 2019.
  3. @BlueSkiif you click on the score link in the results you can see the credits. Both received credit for all tricks they did in time.
  4. Absolutely doable! I got split open just before Thanksgiving 2018 and was skiing again in March 2019 better than ever. I didn't even have any of the usual soreness at the start of the season which I attribute to the rehab. Winter 2019 I slacked off with the exercise and experienced the usual early season soreness in 2020. When I was recovering from the surgery I jokingly asked the surgeon when I could bench. After the slow start in 2020, I thought "why not"? I started powerlifting after a 40 year break and set all 4 of the IPA World Records in my division in 2022. I was considering taking up Olympic lifting as well, but on cleans the bar hitting that titanium wire poking out at the top of my sternum hurts! 😛 . Oh... and I did set a new 5 ball PB in 2021, but I'm attributing that to Denali!
  5. I think the conical handle taper is a key feature to make hanging on with one hand easier. It doesn't hurt that it also gives that mild radius effect. Now it needs some kind of cushy end caps for ski protection.
  6. FYI - Firefox plays the .mov and .mp4 both embedded on Windows and Android. Must be a chromium (Chrome/Edge) problem.
  7. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Parts_Boat&postid=69067
  8. The good ol' days! We used to frequent a local boat dealer and annual boat show just to watch a looping EP promotional film featuring Wayne Grimditch, Cindy Todd, and I think Liz Allen. Anybody remember that film (yeah, not digital video!)
  9. I pulled this out of the archive (my garage) to take a ride this summer. It's certainly heavier and pretty durable. I was surprised at what I could do on it, but a new ski is much better. @thager there are no inserts.
  10. @Jtim3032I think you're making an incorrect assumption that skate boots are designed for feet side-by-side. This may be true of snow ski boots where your feet are predominantly side-by-side while skiing, but when skating you push off with one foot and ride balanced over the other foot, rarely riding with feet side-by-side. It seems to me that applying skate boots to slalom skiing is a fine fit. If you have special considerations like @thager then you adjust as needed.
  11. I don't know how much Quantum skis have changed since 2012, but there are many more options since 2012. Radar started making trick skis, Goode started making trick skis again, and D3 changed the shape of their tricks since then. It's certainly worth trying a new one if you are doing more than basic tricks. I was skiing on a 2012 D3 HC rubber edge and bought a new D3 Aira HC RE in 2022 when they came out. When I pulled it out of the box I wondered if my purchase was worthwhile because the shape looked about identical to my old ski. The first time I skied on it was in October, cold water with a full wetsuit, and I did tricks I hadn't done in years. It was noticeably magic! So much so the guys I ski with were compelled to buy one too. Buy a new trick ski - you won't regret it.
  12. If only my rope was that worn at 32.😏
  13. Here's more https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Bindings&postid=68618
  14. You didn't say what size, but here's medium https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Bindings&postid=68641 My wife has the same binding on her similarly ancient trick ski. For a maybe once a year skier it's fine.
  15. 2005 65" Monza 104 2009 65" RS-1 105 2017 65" ARC-S 110 2021 XS C-85 116 Would be interesting to see if all size C-85's are 116ish.
  16. To answer my own question - "yes", they are apparently still in business. I got an email late last night and my sessions were rerouted as requested.
  17. I submitted a couple videos for direct connect a month ago. My credit card was charged. I got automated messages for the submissions and automated messages asking if I wanted to reroute the sessions after a week of no response from the selected experts. I attempted "reroute" through the automated email links but no response. I sent a follow-up email to support hello@givego.io a couple days ago. No response. I tried calling their contact phone number on the website. "The Google subscriber is not available...".
  18. @Horton I seem to recall reading Rev S plus mode doesn't add any more gate speed than non-plus. Rev Q and R added extra gate speed for +.
  19. I think this is a great question! I have done some testing at the limits and I declare that the binding is the most important item in the chain. This is the perfect opportunity for me to review some of my finest achievements in skiing. Exhibit A - the board The ski is a lever and the binding is your connection to that lever. Without a good connection you aren't going to get far. This is a board with foot placed carefully at the optimal spot using the Freelease system. Connection is provided only by gravity and friction. Exhibit B - the Ski Skat - minimal bindings and a fin The design of the a essentially adds extra control surfaces to your lever. Without an effective binding, you can't take advantage of those control surfaces. This Ski Skat is shaped and has grooves. Although it has bindings to guide foot placement and provide some connection they provide little leverage laterally. Exhibit C - the board with Reflex at non-optimal location and no fin Although the binding was not located at the optimal position (I think it's a little too far forward), I could at least complete a pass in the mini-course. Exhibit D - a modern system with finely tuned components. I have everything I need. What is lacking at this level is skill. I don't believe a ski change, a binding move, or a fin adjustment is going to make or break these passes. I have a couple other variation I want to try: - the board with a fin - Ski Skat without a fin -Ski Skat with Reflex and fin - Different skis in the mini-course 32-43 off
  20. It doesn't look like the one in the picture has inserts, but maybe one of them does - you could ask https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Bindings&postid=68476
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