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Everything posted by sfriis

  1. Hi, I dont know if this is the right thread. I have tried to ski the quest (2013) the whole season and I just can't get it right. I used to ski on the old D3 custom - and tried a quest last year - it felt good however much higher in the water than my old D3 and turning very well. I only had 1-2 sessions last season. I have been skiing for 35 years - 49 y old and nowadays I only ski once a week - so I don't have so much strength as I use to - a lighter ski (higher in the water - less effort) are most welcome :) BUT - I have been struggling the whole season with the quest trying to adjust the fin - but I just can't get it to work - usually I can ski 28 off in my sleep and ski deep 32 off and after mid season ski the 32 off 75% of my sets (PB is 5@35). This season I have only done the 28 off ½ off my pases ??? - The Quest either throws me off on my off side turn (braking at the waist and or ending on my back foot out of my off side buys) - or (when finn is adjusted) I am losing sooo much "high" getting later and later down course. I always feel very unconfortable/unstable on my off-side cut through the wakes (which is usually very rare for me after 30+ years of slalom). So I actually feel the quest is doing 2 things wrong for me - turning too soon after the release (I must work hard (get very good angle and ski wide) already on 15 off - and it turns too slow on my off side turn - it turns excellent on my good side - but I am always late? (feels like the DNA/apex-turn of the ski is very different from my old ski). I just can't recognise any of the advantages - everybody writes of the quest (fast turning - stable etc.) Yesterday - I tried my old ski again - and skied 5½@32 off the dock - best result the whole season after 3 weeks break. Okay this ski rides much deeper in the water - so it took some effort. And after that I tried a Helix - almost ran the same - the Helix has the same kind of turns as my old ski - just much lighter to run - BUT turned to slow (I believe because of the fin setup on the ski i tried (looked as if fin where moved front and less tip than factory set)). What to do ? My quest is for sale now and I will try the Helix with different fin setup - only because my old ski seems soft now.... OR is there a magic trick to get the Quest react/turn more like D3 custom/Helix (I have NOT tried to move my bindings back - but I don't feel that I get too much tip in the water) - weight is 165 lbs - skiing on 67" (all skis).
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