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Posts posted by chris55

  1. Hello eveyone,

    I am Christian, I live in Geneva Switzerland and I am 60, married with 2 daughters an 1 stepson. I started to be interested by waterski in 1978, friend of mine had a boat and I tried 5 to 6 times and stoped. I went to live on a sailing boat in the Carribean for 2 years. Then in 1987 a friend baught a outboard and we started to ski with old wood ski we found. The second year I bought a real ski O'Brien and we shared it. It was fun but none of us knew any technics. So I started to buy waterskimagazine and that is when I discover this new world and I got hooked. But 1988 I went to Santa Monica for a year (pilot licence at American Flyers) so no more ski. When I got back to Geneva in late 1990 I went back to ski with my old and good friend. But in Geneva, the ski season is kind of short from June to mid-October and we were only free skiing. So we did that for 4 years and he had to sell the boat, so no more ski until 1998 because a club opened right in Geneva with a slalom and a coach. First time on a slalom with my very old ski. It was fun but the ski was very "old fashioned" but it was okay and a lot of fun to learn how to ski basically. Then I got married in 1999 and my first daughter was born in 2000. It slowed down my time for skiing but since I was (still is...) a Andy Mapple big fan I ordered a O'Brien Mapple (see the picture), the real ski to really slalom and I got half of a season (2 months) skiing and learning the slalom at 28mph to 30mph but skiing only on Lake Geneva open water, means wind, waves, rollers traffic etc....and my 2nd daughter. And my ski went direct to storage :(.....until 2014. I was still passionate about waterski and following what was going on about it. So now I am becoming a serious skier and I can ski 2 to 3 time a week weather permitted. I entered my first tournament last year and just before Andy died I ordered a Mapple T2. So since the new year I ski on a T2 and my ski has improved greatly.

    Becaus of Ball of spray I am able to know what is going on in the community and I am very thanksfull for that to John Horton who started it. So now I am building enough technics to run 32mph and my goal is of course 34mph and shortening the rope. But we have difficult weather conditions so we ski when it is possible and we learn the hard way. I went to private lake 5 times since last year.....this is so.........addictive. It is like having dessert for the entire meal......!!!!!!

    Sorry if my story was long but my story with waterski is weird and it is like a love story on and off but the passion still on......"We leave nothing on the dock" says Andy Mapple and that is what I do every time

  2. @Gloersen thank you so much for your review and the video is great too. I am still in the learning process at 30mph to 32mph espacially because we ski on a big open and public lake (water temp was still 50° last week.....bbrrrrr). I bought my ski (went from a O'Brien Mapple 2002 to the T2, big change) a week before the T3 was out so I am wondering what it would have been but no regrets except the T3 is looking so nice in blue, whouaw, I just love the layout of that ski. Waiting for @Horton review of the T3
  3. I am RFF and when I started slaloming the coach-driver told me to switch my grip. So weird at the beginning but improved my off side for sure. And my right elbow started to hurt because of bending it meaning I have a wrong position with my right arm.....and I have to straight my arm and i will not hurt anymore.....we will see. But definitly worth the try
  4. @FWinter thank you so much for giving inside informations. Looking from the webcast it is difficult to really understand what was going on. And thanks' @Horton for the review too. It is easy to have an opinion when we don't have to make THE decision in this particular case espacially a event like The Masters. But I think Nate should have known for sure the score to beat before hitting the water. If the show has to go on then they can have a show skier ready to jump on the water and do some tricks...show.....just the time for the judges to make the right call.
  5. I completly agree. I started slaloming 2 summers ago with a O'brien Mapple 2002 (my pic) and I gave myself a special treat last october, a Mapple T2. First set at 28mph, too slow. 2nd set 30mph felt great and 3rd at 32mph 15off. And now I started the new season getting ready to go to 34mph. For a 60 years old guy like me the improvement was HUGE ! And less fatigue too ! I am telling you go for the new technology ski
  6. Having been educated in Switzerland (metric) but spent a lot of times here in the US and skied in both parts of the pond, I am fine with both system but metric speack to me more. Because when you ask for 16m or 14m etc...you know right away the lenght of the rope you are dealing with. Just a question of education and what has been used when you start slaloming I guess
  7. It is fun to read that most of the people are more interested of the baseline ski than the review itself. The great of the review by @Horton is that he is not sponsored by any company so his review should be pretty "honest". And his baseline ski is a good one for him but maybe not so good for anyonelse and that gives credit to his methodology.
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