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Posts posted by chris55

  1. @Horton is right. I work at a University Hospital and my wife (she is a physician) did research for more than 10 years about the causes of cardiovascular diseases and physical activities. I asked her to do a scientific review and there is no studies about the effect of waterski on the body or calories burn and so on. What is written on this article is not wrong and it is not scientific right or approuved if I may say so. But you can theese facts for a lot of other sports as well. Anyway sport activities is good but there is no way to compare a free waterski activity 3 to 4 times a month and a tournament waterskier who run starting at 28off to 41off.

    In a other hand I read many times people having a heart attack just after finishing skiing and died.....so waterski can be dangerouus and even fatal......half empty ..half full, depending from which side you are looking at the topic.

    Conclusion.......go skiing for yourself and don't read internet for health benefit or the opposit. We ski becaus we love it and this a good damn reason.......(sorry for my english, because I am not mother tongue english)

  2. Thank you to all of you who responded to me and I think I understand the concept since when I started slaloming last year (so I have only 2 seasons under my belt) I always tried to accelerate as much as possible from the buoy to the CL and try to edge change as soon as possible right after the CL and when I am able to do that then I feel I have enough speed to get to the next buoy without slack at the turn. I think and I hope I understand how I can apply this mental focus even at 15off and looking forward to shorter the line too. Thank you to all of you for sharing your knowledge.

    And merry christmas !!!!!!

  3. @AdamCord what I am reading is super interesting but as a beginner slalom skier (30-32mph at15off) can I apply "going up" as a mental focus and mental technique ? As I see myself skiing at 15off, it is hard for me to imagine skiing up to the boat, it seems to me I have a too long rope. My real question is : is all your GUT theory does apply more for short line skier begening at 28off ?

    Anyway thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and can wait to start the new season in 2016

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