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Everything posted by ScottScott

  1. I think they're the same person.... or are they both Chipman?
  2. @aupatking The fin testing could result in some release testing however....
  3. Remember Nate did run 3 at 43 4 or 5 years ago at swiss, but the boat path wasn't approved. I guess if the deviation helped him, we could say he didn't run it (and technically I he didn't,) but it certainly shows it can be done. Main reason for the boat path was that it was so late, visibility was tough....also driven by Chad Scott
  4. I think I've only seen one wing nut....what happened to those?
  5. Seems he wants you to pull in during edge change.....and he's quite passionate about it.
  6. And just think....all those great English skiers that moved to Florida for better conditions.
  7. I put up to 25mph....but it has more to do with the site/wind direction etc. I've skied on some pretty windy days with @ESPNSkier . I also ski with Jodi Fisher who is know for being one of the best skiers in bad conditions and promotes training in tough conditions. We look more at how much chop, and/or if it starts building into rollers, as apposed to the wind. A strong wind and a reasonable chop is good practice.... too much chop and you start risking injury. With a limited schedule, you ski when you can, not when the conditions are best.
  8. And which 1/2 looks out the window from home on a windy morning and says "lets wait till this afternoon and see if the wind dies down some...?" And If I ever make it to Nationals, feel free to laugh at me when I miss my opener.....
  9. You'll want to spend 1/2 if not 3/4 of your time in length/speeds you can run consistently while working on various aspects of your form (working up from a pretty much sure thing/warm up pass.) Maybe starting with a 15/30, then a couple 15/32s then a couple 22/32s. You will want a couple passes at your hardest for practice with timing on those length/speed and just getting used to the speed. The easier passes are important tho, as won't make a lot of progress on form when you are scrambling for the next buoy. 1st thing I see is your knees apart, weight heavy on back foot. Rotate left hip forward to square hips to ski, that will bring rear knee into front knee and more weight to front foot. Thats on both sides, but more so on-side cross.
  10. @Horton "maybe but most of us expect reasonable conditions" that's pushing panda category. An outdoor sport has to expect the variability of weather. We're not talking random rollers from sea-walls or barges here, or even river current.....it's just weather. Practice in it and be prepared. Those that did are standing on the podium, those that didn't missed their 1st pass. Also, this isn't like most amateur tournaments where you're going for the best score you can get to try to qualify for nationals.....this is Nationals, the last step where you're just competing against the others, in the same conditions.
  11. I have a friend that uses the Edge binding. Starting to ski one day they noticed it felt a little loose. After looking closely we could see the toe cup/bar was bent forward (possibly the handle caught it during a fall.) We banged it in with the handle, and all good. Not sure if it was an earlier model as horton referred, but definitely bent out and loose.
  12. As has been mentioned regarding alternating handle diameters, I can see switching between bent and straight could also be beneficial to wrist/forearm/elbow issues.
  13. I'm not sure I would call that a pre-release, more like a malfunction. Those shouldn't release from the front at all.
  14. @OldboyII Is there a need for a "matched to it "out-of-the-box" boot?" I don't see the option to select various boots to use with the release as a negative.
  15. @ALPJr They have their own liner, which I believe is an intuition that they have added some coating or treatment or something.... A standard intuition will work, there are additions/advantages to theirs. At least thats they way its been the last couple years.
  16. @skierjp Based on my experience, the boot lasted 3 years (and I still have some life left in it, can probably make another mod and get another year or 2, who knows) while using it in a way it wasn't designed. I'm not complaining about that. However, if they are making it compatible with a release system, I would be disappointed if some things weren't beefed up a little to make it last longer when used in that manner. Maybe they have, in which case.... great job!!! Just making some observations based on my use of the previous model on a release. Previous models were over $300 (I believe the most expensive boot on the market,) I'm assuming this model will be as much as (if not more than) previous years. If I'm paying that much, and using it as intended, I would hope it will be with me a little while. Again, for a boot over $300, and the number of 1/2 boot options for way less than $200....the convertible thing seems a little silly. I would hope that that flexibility doesn't increase the price...... (it does make a handsom matching set tho....but I'm not paying that much extra for them to match.)
  17. I wonder if they upgraded the boa to a heavier model. I have been using the vapor on a MOB for a couple years now. Overall I love that setup. However, when using the boot with a release, you want to be tightened down more than using without so that is DOESN"T allow you to slip out in a fall (of course part of that is changing out the bungee laces on the top.) I wore out 2 boa ratchets and the wire was tearing through the loops within a year. I ended up removing all of that and purchased a reflex buckle kit to replace and that works great. Also, concerning the tighter use with a release....is the rubbery material on the back different? Radar has always had issues with that material on various boots. Mine has held up pretty well, but again tightening the cuff for a release system beyond what it is designed for (being a slip out boot) how is that going to hold up, or if they are setting that up for use with a release....is it a heavier material? Mine is starting to tear after 3 years, but I know it wasn't designed to be that tight 3 years ago. The other thought I have is....the convertible thing is neat, but how likely are you to change back and forth. If you want a 1/2 boot, thats what you are going to use for a while. The vapor boot isn't cheap. If a 1/2 boot can be manufactured and sold for less instead of paying full price for a full boot, that would help our wallets.....
  18. @skiinxs Most of this thread is talking about pretty subtle differences that only the shortest line skiers would likely notice. 9mph is a huge difference in my book.
  19. Too often web designers set out to show the world all the fancy things they can do, not realizing (or caring) that its just not functional. All the moving headers etc just make it a pain in the ass to try to navigate. Anything that can be done to have a simple/functional site where we can search and register for tournaments would be GREATLY appreciated.
  20. @mike_mapple I use pocket often (and usually end up replacing a ball or 2 when out there....last sunday had to replace 4.) Not sure who else frequents it (I hear often of Jarome, but haven't met him.) I'm never out when Tibet is usable, but someone uses it (it was in better shape than pocket last weekend.) There is also a course on lake down. I don't get up that way often, but last I saw it wasn't being maintained. RD Keene ramp is the only public ramp. I guess some people still use conroy rd and park at post office....I know they do tow people that park at publix.
  21. Lake Weir and Butler are about an hour and 1/2 from daytona. but that may be your best shot at a public lake with course. St Johns river is good for free skiing, Ed Stone Park is a good place to put in thats maybe just over 1/2 hour from Daytona beach, there are multiple places to put in between lk george and sanford, fun to cruise the river and visit silver glenn springs.
  22. @buechsr "reaction smacks more of a childish temper tantrum than reasoned, presumably well-intentioned adult" "help membership be (more) aware of the potential for problems that can arise from or at events that are very unique in terms of attire and age diversity, then I'm willing to trust them, send my money in, and comply." Yes, and yes!!!! Thank you for a clear head in all this.... I'll add ....sex diversity, along with age diversity and attire.
  23. The ski rides deeper in the water when warmer, so maybe with boot forward you'll be a little more on the wider part.. ? But generally I hear about a little less fin depth or a little less wing. I took a little depth away and it seemed to regain the feel through the turn that I was used to with cooler water....
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