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Everything posted by ScottScott

  1. @jeidmann In case you haven't seen any yet.....the lake 38 webcast is showing ZO settings as they did with swiss. I believe I saw Mechler is on B1. I've been playing with a couple settings, not a high end skier by any stretch of imagination.....but enough experience now that I can feel a difference. With the A settings, it does allow the boat to slow a little more (which can make the rope feel soft) but maybe what A does that a lot of people like is in its correction after the speed loss, it gives you a little extra cross coarse sling, then for shortline skiers it continues to pull you up higher on the boat after edge change. In theory I like the idea of the C settings so I gave that a try. On C3.... I pulled out for 1st pass, and there was no glide....I waited for gates and had sunk in so much for my turn-in the ski stalled and I went OFT. Next pass I managed the gate, but felt way too slow going into the balls through the rest of the course and could hardly turn. Maybe staying with the C settings and delaying edge change might work ok....? I seemed to do pretty well with A2, and have tried some B3 that did ok. Probably will try some A3 and B1 for fun. B3 may be a good compromise between getting a little sling out of hookup, but getting off the pull to help slow down into the turn.
  2. Hey!!! I can watch it on my TV via You Tube!!!!
  3. Mine is loose enough I could kick in no problem, but I've just always gotten up with both feet in. Some people may like it tight enough that it could be difficult to kick in. One nice thing with the full rear support is that it feels secure even fairly loose.
  4. I have a little ways to go before I get to max speed at 32, but as I'm just learning and moving up speed I'm happy to be able to stop at 32 and start shortening in class C tournaments. At some point maybe I'll go on up to 34, but I know a couple people that have skied 34 (and maybe some 36) that are below 32 max age, but are glad to drop on down to 32 and still ski tournaments. It may or may not make that big of a difference, but they feel better about taking a wipeout at 32mph instead of 34 as we get older.
  5. worse part of this boot is if you are on the small end of the size range....with heal against the back there is too much room in front of the toe, limiting how close you can get your feet together. I ended up cutting about an inch off the front of the footbed and moving it forward on the plate so I could get my toes to almost touch the front boot. Works good now, i actually went from an RTP just to try something new.
  6. Thinking about your shoulders.....in these pics your right shoulder, I know one coach that talks about hiding that outside shoulder from the boat....another that talks about setting that shoulder out of the turn. That will give you better leverage. Then maintain that during your edge change (after the wake,) maybe thinking more left arm pressure off the wake. I think that will help prevent you from being bent over also.
  7. If you push from behind you have to surprise them....and see which foot they catch themselves on when they don't expect it. Skateboard is probably a good indicator, although I rode skateboard wrong (right foot dominant, left foot forward) I would push with left foot but with right foot on the back. Wish I was right foot forward now slalom. I think lifting each foot while skiing doubles to see which is more comfortable is the best. I would think the foot you would kick a ball with would want to be FRONT foot normally....?
  8. Skiing on doubles, have her lift one foot at a time and see which she is more comfortable on or can ride on just the one foot longer.
  9. @jeidmann Yeah, I got that... And yes, I think thats going to be tough to determine. As mentioned, maybe the best way is while watching a skier, listen to the engine. TWBC was showing ZO settings for each skier in their latest broadcasts, including swiss. Most were A, I can't remember if more were 1,2 or 3. Another variable I recently thought of is line length. With a longer line the skier connects pretty tight out of the ball, causing the boat to slow down closer to coming off the ball, it will recover and complete its compensation sooner and release sooner. Where a short line doesn't really load until the boat has advanced and the skier has moved more toward center line so the whole process is later. I think the best thing to do is experiment with different settings and go with what feels better, and you feel you ski better. I'm not consistent enough to feel like I can really determine how an external factor is effecting my skiing right now, so I just stick with B2.
  10. I don't know that that info exists. Maybe some can tell you by feel. It will begin pretty much at hook up with small variations, maybe getting toward the 1st whitewash with A. "Subsides" is all about making up for speed lost so it averages correctly. The sooner it picks you up © and the faster it corrects (3) then the sooner it can subside. A1 takes the longest. Both charts at top of thread show that pretty well. Maybe the 2nd shows that relationship best. End of blue line would be the return of "normal" throttle. Longest probably goes on outside the whitewash, can't say for earliest.....maybe centerline? Might be best to tell by listening to engine while watching someone ski. It will depend on the skier too.
  11. Yep....need a YouTube stream. Only option I have this weekend is to watch on phone. Have a smart TV available I could watch via you tube.
  12. Some people struggle with docking. It does take a little practice....
  13. Very happy for Brie, and good to see Allie Garcia knocking on the door, she'll be in the mix soon.
  14. I can't speak for "when the heat is on" but the video of Wim running 39 looked pretty smooth. Woulda liked to see him continue on to 41 to see how far he got.
  15. You can still have the beer at the end of the set, just don't eat anything.
  16. I lost about 8 lbs jan/feb.....didn't pick up any buoys....WTH!!!!
  17. Fl federation is a whole $10, and often the tournament host will take money and sign you up if you're not already....
  18. Just stumbled across this one, had to add....
  19. Every time I click on this thread, the 1st thing I still see is those damn feet. We need more comments so it starts a new page.
  20. I would guess that slow speeds, like 26/28 are best with no wing. I think 32, especially if you shorten any, you would probably want the wing. I took wing off before starting to learn course but by the time I was running the course and started speeding up from 28 I had it on, but maybe starting a little less (like 7 degrees....I wouldn't go less than 7 degrees.)
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