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Everything posted by tjs1295

  1. A new headline from a new group in the local paper from Northern Wisconsin. Right at the beginning of the summer boating season up here when a lot of the tourists will be around to read it.
  2. Had trouble linking the article, but here’s a screenshot of more activity in Wisconsin.
  3. @S1Pitts I know under the FAQ it said you don’t have to be Wisconsin resident. Maybe the US though? Providing an address is what they say they do to prevent fraud. Very interesting regulations being proposed in your area.
  4. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024SpringHearings The link. I hope.
  5. Just finished the survey. You do not have to be a resident of Wisconsin to take it.
  6. Just a reminder that people can take this survey for the next three days. There are a bunch of questions in the survey, but three of them are directly related to regulating wake surfing boats. Some of them would be pretty strict in the state of Wisconsin. The in person meetings were the first story on the local news from last night and they were covering the wakes surfing questions, not the other questions. I can’t remember from last year, but I don’t think you need to be a resident of the state of Wisconsin to take the survey.
  7. I hear what everyone is saying. There isn’t another activity that I participate in that requires so many variables to lineup correctly in order for it to be enjoyable. Drives me nuts at times. I just try to have fun instead of constantly improving.
  8. This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to vote for or against these boats/manufacturers in Wisconsin. This is the second year they have included wake surfing boats as part of the survey. Last year there were 8 to 10 questions regarding the topic. 65% of the respondents voted for stricter regulations on these boats. so far they are just collecting public opinion.
  9. @Drago I see what you mean now. Good points, makes sense. I was probably getting wrapped up with the first paragraph of this entire thread. This makes my post look like a ray of sunshine! Anyway, does anyone know what else the manufacturers are doing to address the potential restrictive laws that are being written up? I don't have concerns about water skiing being regulated, but I want to see the people that make our slalom boats doing well. Might be a trickle down issue if they can't build their money makers.
  10. @Drago I’m not following what you’re saying about my post. I like the Michigan house bill. Just afraid it might do what @DW is saying.
  11. @MISkier Very interesting. It's clearly aimed at wake surfing boats, but who knows what the end result will be. It also seems obvious that war has been declared on these boats by states with a lot of smaller lakes in them. Has there been any response from the manufacturers besides something like the letter that started this thread?
  12. tjs1295

    Help an Addict

    Got a 2007. $75,000 and it’s yours. You said you’re an addict right??😀
  13. @swbca I'm not sure what can be done either, but I guarantee nothing will be done proactively. I've also been saying for a while that it's all fun and games until people start F'ing with the loons. The gloves are going to come off once you start doing that.😀
  14. I love it!! Can't blame the manufacturers. They're just giving the people what they want, and making a bunch of money along the way. It's a win-win...... for most people, just not for water skiers.
  15. Is there even a problem other than people having too many options these days? I think there are more people than ever at the lake enjoying themselves in one way or another. Unfortunately, there are so many different ways to do it than there was 30 or 40 years ago.
  16. It's definitely the hip and trendy thing these days. Might be yet another case of enthusiasm outpacing the evidence. Then again, it's probably worth a try. The adverse effect profile seems pretty benign. It might work for you. If not, the only damage done might be to your wallet.
  17. A new twist on this topic. https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/outdoors/2024/01/27/wisconsin-residents-back-wake-boat-home-lake-rule-limit-invasive-species-spread-like-vermont/72367056007/
  18. I agree that having some data points can be beneficial, but are any of these devices the gold standard? I occasionally wear a heart rate monitor with a chest strap, and feel that is pretty accurate. But aren't a lot of these other wearables basically trying for precision in your imprecision?
  19. I love this topic, and have a couple questions for those who are more involved in the sport, and attend some of the schools taught by professionals. I’m a firm believer that there are a few people on the planet who shouldn’t be doing strength training and cardio workouts. Not only to improve your skiing (or any activity), but to fend off metabolic disease, neurodegenerative disorders, injury, and many other things that shorten our life, and lead to a poor quality of life. Is strength training and cardio ever discussed at these clinics as part of someone’s complete training program to be a better slalom skier, or the reason why they can’t make it through a certain line length? What do the professionals actually do? I’ve read everything along the spectrum from Nate doing nothing, to Regina being the greatest gym athlete on the planet. There’s a lot of information saying to watch so and so ski, and try to emulate what they do on a ski. I’ve never seen any off the water training that we should emulate. I know a lot of people say, this is what I do, and it helps, but is there any consensus as to what we should be doing based on the success of the professionals? We use the same boats, they do, the same skis, ropes, vests, but what about the other training things? Flow Point Method seems like an absolute no-brainer if someone’s main goal is to be a better slalom skier. I guess it works for the world champion. But beyond that, is there anything the professionals do that we should be doing? Or is everyone just doing their own thing?
  20. I don’t care that much about regulating these boats around me. I think there are bigger issues. The boats are only around for about 10 weeks anyway. But people are upset, and want them regulated. At least the article mentions the question the Wisconsin Conservation Congress submitted where 65% of the respondents are in favor of pretty aggressive regulations. That can’t be good for the surfing industry or participants.
  21. @Horton Yep, interesting stuff going on. The bill both of those articles refer to is the one that was probably written by the boat manufacturers. It’s a joke, and the locals in Vilas county let the sponsors know it at the public meeting. Not allowed on lakes less than 50 acres? Come on! The highlighted part is what makes the bill a real joke, and isn’t mentioned in either article. This is why the other representative wrote the other more restrictive bill.
  22. Regardless of how this would impact slalom skiing, don’t the manufacturers have to do something to change the way these wake surf boats are made? I live in northern Wisconsin, where a lot of the smaller lakes are, so I can’t speak about other parts of the country, but I don’t see this battle going away by simply agreeing to 200 foot spacing and some education to purchasers. Studies like the one done at the University of Minnesota are probably just the beginning. And the Wisconsin conservation Congress did a statewide survey last spring, and nearly 66% of the people who responded want these boats regulated. I’m not really for the boats or against them, I’m mostly curious about where this all goes. It’s a pretty hot topic where I live. There are a lot of people who are very passionate about preserving what they think the ideal northern Wisconsin lake getaway should be. That does not include loud music, or damage to the lakes, wildlife, and their personal property. And a lot of these people are, or were very successful in their professional lives that now have nothing better to do than to fight for what they believe in. Then again, I know nothing about laws. So maybe if they pass the weaker law, that will be the end of it, and the arms race can continue.
  23. @Horton I get what you're saying, but wouldn't Starbucks still be pretty good at making money if the laws say all they can make is regular coffee? This topic makes it seem that if the ski boat companies can't make (or sell as many) wake boats, that they will all simply stop making boats, and cease to exist. I know it's a big wish, but is there even a chance that the regulations on wake boats would actually improve the numbers of people water skiing? Or are we saying that any new laws on wake boats will lead to the elimination of any human being being towed behind any boat on any object?
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