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Everything posted by Luv2Ski

  1. I should be able to help out with a set or two. I'll send you a PM.
  2. Thanks for all the tips so far. I did try 2 pairs of the nitrile gloves underneath my regular gloves and that seemed to help a good bit. I would try the Camaro gloves suggested above, but I can't find where to order them from. I'm curious to hear how the D3 Enzo gloves work out as well.
  3. Thanks for all these tips! I wondered if Camero made any thin gloves that would work. I thought I had seen some online before, but now I can't seem to find them. I purchased my full Camaro suit from Robby's Ski Shop and I love it! If anyone finds a place in the US where I can buy Camaro gloves and foot liners, I'd love to give them a try.
  4. Ooohh. 35 degree water? Now that is cold! I'm a wimp. 50 degree water, and 50 degrees outside is out as far as I go. I know there are a lot of people who ski in areas where there is snow on the banks, so I thought I'd reach out to see what other people do. I do try to keep my hands out of the water as much as possible. I'll try the hot water tip. Thank you.
  5. Any advice on the best ski gloves to wear during the winter months? I have an amazing Camero wetsuit that works beautifully, but my hands get cold......painfully cold! I have a bootie by Aqua Lung that I wear on my rear foot that seems to do a pretty good job (although I'd prefer a thinner, more form fitting one), but the scuba gloves I bought by Aqua Lung don't work very well for skiing. While they are a bit warmer than my regular ski gloves, they slip around on my hands because they are not really meant for water skiing. I've had good luck with Radar and HO gloves in general, but l'm looking for something designed for colder water.......and the colder water around here means 50 degrees for the winter months. Any tips to keep my hands warm while skiing would be appreciated!
  6. View of Lake 3 starting dock
  7. The site is beautiful! Conditions looked like this until this morning when the wind really picked up!
  8. Bring your Yetti cup to keep your water cold throughout the day. Also bring your sun shirt to stay cool. It's hot in Texas! Like others have said, just try to think of it as another tournament, and don't stress too much. Enjoy the people and have fun! :-)
  9. It's my understanding that practice will be all day on Tues. only. For Wed-Fri, lake 4 will have practice running from 8am-1pm, courtesy of Radar. After 1pm, lake 4 will be for Radar demos, and practice will occur on other lakes as time, and volunteers allow, after the events are finished on any given lake for that day.
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