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Everything posted by Luv2Ski

  1. Can someone please provide the full list of participants and the schedule for each day? I'm not sure where to find that information.
  2. Does anyone know where to find the full list of participant and the schedule for each day? I can't seem to find that.
  3. SCR Regionals will be at the Buda Aquaplex.
  4. https://www.waterskiresults.com/WfwWeb/wfwShowTourScores.php Usa Waterski and then go under "results" and then "live scoring".
  5. Hello skiers! I am day 3 post op from endoscopic carpal tunnel release and repair of Dupuytren's contracture (trigger finger on my middle finger). The trigger finger issues began after my last post so both issues were addressed at the same time. I can say that I too had great sleep the night after the procedure! The night before was one of the most painful I have ever had and so far I feel a huge relief! It's nice to feel all my fingers again!I had hoped to wait until after nationals, but I just couldn't take the pain any longer. I went with a doctor who performed the same surgery (both sides) on a good skier friend of mine and who has 25 years of experience. All is well so far. I will post another update as things heal, but so far I have full range of motion, and full feeling! I can already lay on my left side again and it is absolutely glorious! I just pulled the bandage off to take a look at get it cleaned up. Not bad.
  6. I have confirmed there is no live webcast from one of the skiers in the event.
  7. Is there a live stream to this somewhere? The World Games 2022 Oak Mountain State Park - Double Oak Lake - 13/16 Jul 2022.
  8. I saw Tony Lightfoot a week or so ago and I told him that they should publish more content on the "behind the scenes" efforts. I've seen snippets here and there or heard a few details on his podcast, but would love to hear and see more of how they put everything together. Learning about the process really does help you appreciate all that goes into it. It's more work than I ever would have imagined, but so appreciated by everyone in the ski world. I also agree that I'd rather see a bad webcast than no webcast at all. It's fun to follow the skiers and see how they do.
  9. I agree with you. TWBC is top notch. I love that more channels are popping up for us to watch, but so far TWBC is way above the rest.
  10. I LOVE having a nationals webcast. For those of us with friends and family in the sport, it's a great way to follow those who are competing when we can't be there live and in person!! I did donate to the cause last year and will continue to do so. There was a "go fund me" or something of the sort set up last year and I think that needs to be done again. If someone can really promote the ways to donate across various platforms, I think we could easily raise the funds needed. These days there are a lot of waterski podcasts going on so if each of those hosts could mention how people can donate, that would be a big help.
  11. Awesome pictures! Thank you for posting and sharing!
  12. @tjs1295 I could not agree with you more!!!! I absolutely watch all kinds of documentaries of people in sports I care nothing about! I have even watched a boxing documentary and I HATE boxing. I think it's the dumbest sport out there (well, actually, there are a few silly ones like curling that I don't understand either), but that's part of why I watch and learn! I simply just like learning about successful people in the world. I want to see what they do and how they got where they are. Watersports, gymnastics, rock climbing and ice skating are my sports of most interest, but I have still watched many shows about basketball, football, baseball, etc... It is the human connection that I find interesting. It's the struggle behind the success that I find intriguing. When I hear the background story on an athlete (any athlete), I am inspired, and impressed, etc... and it actually helps me to appreciate that sport and the person. It helps me see the passion from their side of things. What I would like for people to see and understand about waterskiing is how hard it is. How taxing it is on your body. The force that the boat puts on you, and the amount of muscles you have to use to maintain alignment. The pros make it look easy, but no one sees the struggle and the work it takes to get there. Getting up at 4 or 5 am, taking sets in the snow and ice (for those in cold climates), the exhausting hours at the gym, the pain of injury recovery, the cost of training, the sacrifice the parents make and the kids make, etc....I am so passionate about skiing, I show people videos all the time and they are beyond impressed. People would watch this stuff even if they knew nothing about skiing and I do believe it would bring in some new people eventually. Most people have never even heard of 3 event skiing. My teenage son is spreading the word throughout his high school and teaching everyone he can. People are in awe when they see him slalom ski and they are very inspired to try it and watch it. Although we are starting these kids on a wake surfer and a wake board (for sake of ease) they are so inspired they are jumping in 50 degree water on cold days to hang out together and learn water sports! We've got a handful of kids who have never been on the water before and now they are die hard fans learning in the middle of the winter and freezing their butts off to have a good time and get some amazing exercise with friends!
  13. I would LOVE to see some documentaries made on all the pro skiers and on all the behind the scenes stuff that goes on to put on the various events. I think the TWBC is doing an amazing job as well as Trent, Rossi, Wade Cox, Elizabeth Montavan, Horton, Marcus Brown, Mateo, etc... (too many to list) with putting out content and podcasts, but I would still love to see more. I'd love for the cameras to follow the skiers to the gym, to their practice sets, through the airport, through injury recovery, etc... I would watch it all if it was out there.
  14. So awesome to watch! I was routing for her to get on the podium, and then to have a run off with Regina and take the win was just spectacular! Shocking to see Regina go down a bit early and have such a crash, but things can change in a split second in this sport. You just never know what will happen. Being to catch all the action thanks to the TWBC has been amazing this season!
  15. @jepski Thank you so much for this reply! This helps me to feel a lot better about everything. I appreciate you taking time to respond. If I do the surgery I will for sure follow the directions and not push anything too soon!
  16. @JDskiNECA Thank you for responding!!! I thought it was awfully quiet for such a "common" issue. Surely I can't be the only athlete who has experienced this. I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel back in 2016 on both sides. Up until 3 weeks ago it was just random annoying tingling that would easily go away by switching positions, or shaking out my hands. It was so random that it could be a year before I would have an episode. It would maybe flair up for a couple weeks, but then go away for a year or more. This year it started happening regularly at night, but again, it was just tingling and it would stop if I changed positions. 3 weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with 2 numb hands and the same feeling you describe of my wrist and forearm being in a vice. My hands were seriously numb as if I did not own any hands! It was very scary. I got up, moved around and it took a long time for any feeling to come back.This happened 3 nights in a row and I just couldn't get any sleep so I went to an Ortho hand specialist right away. He recommend nerve testing again (which I did do in 2016) and my apt. is this Wed. Sept. 1st. I have been wearing braces every night and going to airrosti, stretching, icing, etc.... Nothing is helping. Every single night this happens, and every single night I don't sleep. The only thing that makes it stop is getting out of bed and swinging my arms up and down for a long time and pacing the house. During the day it's non stop tingling when I type, brush my hair, try to ski, talk on the phone, etc.... pretty much anything and everything sets it off. The vice feeling and numbness only happens at night. The other pain I can describe in addition to the vice (during the day) is that it feels like someone is trying to twist each finger off one by one with a pair of pliers! It freakin hurts! My fingers just ache in all the joints and I get weird shooting, pains through my hands or maybe like charly horse cramps? Not sure how to describe it. I'm not sure what caused this to go from zero to 100 over night but it's awful! I've had not change in routine or diet, so it's a mystery to me why it all of the sudden got so bad. I have a curve handle when I ski, and I have a professional personal trainer. I stretch up a storm and am very healthy. I know the ortho is going to say let's go to surgery right away, but being the very active person I am, I hate the thought of any downtime, and I hate the idea of surgery. At this point I am desperate and I need to sleep. From everything I am reading it does seem like surgery is the only option.
  17. Has anyone on this forum had carpal tunnel surgery? If so I am curious to hear about the experience. How long & difficult was the recovery? How long before you were able to ski again? Did you experience any complications or permanent loss of grip strength? I know plenty of people who have had the surgery with great success, however none of them are athletes who lift weights and ski regularly so I am hoping maybe some of you can provide more relevant insight on the subject.
  18. @lpskier Thank you! Sounds like the location is decided upon 2 years in advance. We didn't go this year because of the location, so I'm excited to hear about the sites coming up.
  19. I've heard the same and I wasn't sure if the decision was made yet or not.
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