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Posts posted by vtmecheng

  1. It took a long time to get a call from Brenda. That said, I can’t pass up an InTow even if it was frustrating as hell to get. Got the handle Thursday and skied today. It would be nice if it wasn’t so hard to get that call but I love the spectra handle. Definitely a bit more grip than my HO Syndicate or the Masterline handles others I ski with have. Also like her ski guard more. In the end, it’s just a solid handle.
  2. If you have a solid position before the wakes, then it’s likely all a mental game. It isn’t easy to trick your brain into believing that more edge and speed results in a smoother crossing. Everyone with the problem has to find what mental thought works for them. Not sure “hips up” has worked for anyone ever, sure did nothing for me. Handle down, hips to handle, and stand tall all did nothing too. Corey Vaughn told me once to think about keeping my shoulders back, knowing I would never get them so far back that it was bad. He said to picture water spilling over both shoulders evenly, so I think “spill” when in the pull. That seems to have been my key. Really similar to the “proud chest” idea from Rob Hazelwood. Point is, no one mental key works for everyone, try different keys and find what works for you.
  3. @igkya had I heard anything from her, like she doesn’t have the supplies or is backed up, then I completely get it. Hearing nothing for over a month is a different story. I also don’t get the idea that it is somehow my fault. It’s not like I expected to get a handle in a few weeks. If I had heard that it would come in a month I’d go with what I have and use my old one a few sets if needed. But yeah, it’s my fault.
  4. I wanted to let Mike comment first. I’m the larger boot skier who Mike worked with. My size 13s don’t release from rubber or lace style bindings no matter how loose they are, found that out the hard way. Went to MOB maybe 5 years ago. Seemed to work but the tape was definitely holding on for all it had and I needed to keep a close eye on it. After the tape failed once, Mike (being the awesome guy he is) worked with me on the plate to improve this. With some tweaking, my size large system works really well and the tape is holding strong. The plate holds firm when the binding is attached and the tape has been holding for months now, skiing about 3 sets a week. I do wish that all ski manufacturers installed the extra set of inserts for the front but that’s asking a lot considering they won’t even make rear inserts standard.
  5. @BlueSki i tried calling. It went to a voicemail box that is full and didn’t let me leave a message. I ordered a different brand today because I’m not willing to push my handle too long, not worth the risk.
  6. I sent her an email with phone number as requested. No response for weeks. Guess I’ll have to go with another option because my current handle is near its end. Too bad, I really like InTow.
  7. On the feel of the 6.0 in the prostar. We went from a 2004 SN with 5.3 to a 2021 Prostar with 6.0 this year. I’d say they feel about equal out of the hole, which doesn’t surprise me considering the extra weight of the new boat. The prostar is stronger in the course and I like driving it a lot more with a heavy skier. Our setup is about as short as it gets and our splits at 34 mph are really tight. I think the 6.0 should be plenty for you.
  8. I’m on a 67 Omega Max II at 180 lbs and ski 30-32mph most of the time. Despite being 6’4”, I’m often described by club members as soft in the line and smooth so that may play a role. My point, how you ski matters too. That said, above 190 and I’d think a 68 would do better for you.
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