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Everything posted by dnewton

  1. @Horton say it louder for the people in the back!!!
  2. With as much as we are all obsessed with this sport, it is so surprising to me that not more people do it. Even on a bad day of skiing, I just get the bug to get back out there and do better.
  3. I appreciate your feedback @Chef23, thanks!
  4. I apologize as I must of worded my question incorrectly. It’s a different question than the original post because I didn’t want to start a thread for a simple little question. I was looking for the differences of the lithium and pro build series. Am I missing out riding a lithium? I am doing everything possible to continue riding my ski on stock settings. I am still climbing on the buoy count and don’t want to fight fine tuning until I feel like I have truly peaked at these settings. I have done some professional at the boarding school and terry winter. The video with terry was super awesome.
  5. Quick question for everyone. I am currently riding a 17' lithium vapor, and totally love the ski. I have considered getting a 18' or 19' but don't know if I want to save my pennies up for the pro build, or is the lithium going to be good enough? I am surviving with my ski just fine, but was wondering if there is a little being left on the water? I do not know skies well enough to know what the different cores offer. Thanks.
  6. My fiancé gave birth to our baby boy on Thursday and let me go ski on Friday with my brother. Felt great to know she supported to let me go have some fun after an intense couple of days.
  7. @ScottScott Yes, I totally agree. That was the customers plans, but he couldn't get the elevations correct without sending all of his run off water into his garage/boathouse. @MS yes, I think I would just pour a slab and put a car port on it. I would love to stop wiping my boat off upside down. With a standard lift, you're limited in travel of the carriage. I have to pull my boat out if we get a heavy rain. It would be so awesome to know it is under a nice structure and is not going to float away.
  8. @Stevie Boy absolutely. With the price of a standard lift roughly around the price. I was curious to see people’s opinions on that price point.
  9. @Than_Bogan sorry I couldn’t find a video, I must of deleted them. Here are some more pictures to give it some more detail. @jjackkrash what do you mean by fouled? Damaged I assume? All summer being submerged underwater the rust isn’t nearly as bad as one would think since it’s not being exposed to as much oxygen as if it was constantly in and out of the water. When water temps get close to freezing, the owner puts a sump pump in to keep the water from freezing and causing damage. The second one for his pontoon even went better. There are still a few improvements I would want to make on the next one.
  10. @Than_Bogan yes. I can upload a video of it operating.
  11. What is everyone’s opinion of a set up like this? I built the rail system and carriage for a friend of mine. He didn’t choose the “push/pull” style winch and just got a standard unit, so it lacks in that area a bit. Still totally manageable and functional. Obviously the garage is a decent chunk of change, but the rail system, carriage and winch installed totaling a bit less than 10k seems rather doable for most ski sites. I guess I’m just looking for some feedback from people that use their boats often. Thanks, any input or dislikes would be appreciated.
  12. @Horton have you ever had employees?!?! Haha kidding. Doing some mindless weedeating of the lake doesn’t sound half bad somedays!
  13. Does anyone else ever consider selling their whole life and going to work for a ski school and becoming a full time ski bum? That seems rather appealing quite often.
  14. I have a wide body ski for that purpose. I decided to ride it one night freeskiing. It was awful and I felt like it was harder than getting up on my brothers senate. Also once I got up, the boot was so uncomfortable and loose that I was nervous to attempt any kind of a cut across the wakes. Just my opinion though.
  15. Sounds like I shouldn't complain a whole lot. I would like to be more involved with the sport, but have only been at it for 2 years now. I do live on a body of water and my ski partner and I are discussing on trying to put in a course next season. I am slightly hesitant, because I do not want to do more installing/uninstalling of a course than actual skiing. It has been slightly discouraging. There are 5 ski sites within an hour of me, but only able to ski on 1. I have located 3 old gravel pits within 20 minutes of my house, but can't seem to track down the owners. That or they obviously own it on there own for the privacy, which is completely fair. @sunvalleylaw I totally understand. Everyone I talk to, I offer to weed-eat their property, help set-up/tear down for events, and so on. It seems as if money isn't what anyone is after in this sport, I have gotten more positive feedback and made more friends when trying to help them maintain the ski site. Heck, I have even talked to home builders and tried to get them to build the lake. So I can start a club. They can build homes on it for a mark up of their normal rate and everyone wins. I am trying to be a team player, but failing on all fronts.
  16. At the age of 25, self employed and a nice ski site about an hour away I have been able to ski almost 100 sets this year. I am pleased, but would love to ski more. About once a week I get on google earth and search the area for bodies of water or potential bodies of water close by, but can’t seem to find any promising properties. What have you guys done to be able to ski that one more set a week? Potentially, I should shut up and quit complaining, but I always leave the lake wanting one more set. Got me wondering if you guys had any great life hacks that allows more skiing.
  17. @Than_Bogan yes. I’m trying to get my 34/22 to be my opener. To keep my buoy count up. I start at 34/15 for now. The reason I switched to 36 was for tournament scores I feel as I have a much better chance of running 36/22 vs. 34/28, plus i seem to always get 4-6 balls at 36/28.
  18. Small update. I have bumped up to 36mph and having some solid luck at -22 and have even ran some -28s. Was it a silly decision to bump up to 36 this early? Should I get deeper in the line at 34mph. I do really enjoy skiing at 36 more. The boat is always there for me to use.
  19. I totally wish I would of bought something like this instead of my 14’ prostar. Would of saved some serious pennies for retirement.
  20. It is rather impressive you go through that tunnel. Holy smokes.
  21. Making some headway, and feeling good about being able to work on my technique.
  22. I was backwards a month ago and have already made the conversion and PB'd since. Now it feels awkward the old way. I would suggest a day of free skiing to make the change. It only helped me.
  23. They posted on the gram that they are dropping something or maybe even everything today.
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