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Everything posted by 2Valve

  1. @Andre We haven't looked at the distributor or internal component's yet but I'm definitely leaning more towards the electrical side of things. On the fuel filter, yes....there's the stock one between the pump and throttle body and this was replaced. The P.O. probably installed the additional clear glass filter on top of the fuel tank. Thanks on the confirmation of the MAP sensor. I know where to look now. Looks like we're using my boat to ski tonight. :)
  2. @skihacker My mistake. I was thinking MAF (mass airflow sensor), as found in the air stream between the air filter and throttle body on most modern cars. A bad MAP sensor might be the culprit. If I recall, it sends info to the ECM so that fuel/air ratio, ignition timing can be set. We'll look into that and thank you!
  3. @skihacker I don't believe so. It just has a spark arrestor with an older Rochester 2 venturi throttle body with 2 injector's at the top, squirting down into the venturi's. Very similar to a mid 90's Chevy truck engine. Maybe an LT1?
  4. we had the boat out last night. Inlet screen in tank is clear. The fuel pump was taken apart and the screen inside was cleaned. Some small debris there but nothing major. Decided to ski. Pulled my buddy up and a min later into his run, the motor bogged down. I left the throttle un-touched and it doesn't die, just bogs down, with rpm continuing to drop. Throttling back to idle and all is normal. We immediately skiied again and this time I noticed it bogged on his 3rd cut, motor rpm dropping about 100rpm. When it happens, the motor smells very, very rich. Seems weird that it only happens pulling a skier. There is no connection for a fuel pressure check, so at some point we'll need to install a T. We stopped skiing and just went around the lake, 34mph, 3500 rpm and no problems for a 3 mile run. We tried varying rpm and still no problem. I then watched the clear fuel filter that's installed inline near the tank, and there was no starvation there, speed at 34mph. We also hooked up my CodeMate and it showed no codes, except of course 12, meaning all was good. I have to say, we're stumped. My mind thinks it might be something related to the throttle position sensor, but again no codes. It got dark so we didn't have time to check the connections, but I recommended he pull and clean every connection on the motor. Any recommendations appreciated.
  5. Throttle Body or Multi Port fuel system? If it's TBI, check for fuel spray from the injector's on engine cranking. Fuel pressure with key on should be around 30psi, but it drops until you crank. With a PCM TBI system, the fuel injector's won't spray on engine crank unless you're generating spark. And the TBI system uses a distributor with an internal ignition control module. I spent a month with a similar issue, last summer on my 2002 PCM 350 and after replacing more than a couple of ignition control module's (inside the distributor), sending out the ECM to verify it was good, fuel and ignition relay's, and finally, the complete distributor itself, the culprit was the connections on the coil to the Ignition control module. Since the coil connections are female and hidden way inside, the coil would ohm out ok, but the connections themselves were the issue. I replaced the coil and the harness to the distributor and voila! 2Valve
  6. @Zman I don't see a separate pump in the tank. Will do more troubleshooting this evening. After skiing of course.....:) (We'll use my boat)
  7. @BraceMaker Good info. I was thinking we could splice something together as well and make our own connection.
  8. We can't find a Schrader valve was wondering if there was even on there. I think it's fuel only because it never dies. When pulling a skier (34mph), it takes off great with plenty of normal power. A few minutes into the pull, the RPMs' simply drop to idle. If you switch to neutral, it still idles normal. I have a MEFI-4 code scanner so I think there's a port for that. Will know more this evening. Shame since the wake at 32 off is amazing!
  9. I'm helping a buddy diagnose a fuel pump issue ('96 ProStar, 5.7L TBI) and we can't seem to locate the Shrader valve to hook up my fuel pressure gauge. Location info would be appreciated. Symptoms are: Boat starts and idles fine Pull up a skier, runs fine and then suddenly it bogs and runs at idle only Changed fuel filter, seemed to improve but only for a day or so Thanks in advance!
  10. all the guys in our club have their own boat but my fear is that after getting a pontoon this year, I'll use mine less and less for just driving around. :(
  11. been using my wetsuit also but hope to leave it on the dock tonight and just hose down with the boat shower before the plunge. Our lake's about 58F still. :( Great thing about skiing this time of year......almost zero boats on the lake.
  12. At my company, we have the Pour Over system and Ice Cold Brew decanter's in our break room. Did my first Pour over a couple years ago, and it definitely was a "Holy Crap, this is amazing!" moment. Starbuck's basic coffee....yeah, not so good.
  13. Had a long drive Friday night to my buddy's to retrieve the boat from winter storage. On the way back, I decided to drive through the Micky D's for a coffee, to stay awake. Pull up to the window where it turns out, the nice blonde woman in front of me decided it was her treat. She ended up having to wait for her food, so she got out and walked over where we talked slalom and Inboard's for another five min. Sometimes you meet the nicest people in a drive thru. :)
  14. hey Greg, I would be interested depending upon the date(s). I talked to Dirk at the Det. Boat show and he said this might be a possibility. :)
  15. we've had ours in for two years. Springtime last year, we raised it and everything was fine except a slight cast of mold on the buoys. Some Scotchbrite and a little elbow grease is all it took. We''ll raise 'er up this weekend, expecting the same minimal routine. We love ours. Lots more course time. Only about 10min. to raise, 10 min. to lower. And in between, open a beer and review your faceplants on the camera. :)
  16. I wimped out. Saturday night at dinner, the arm twisting started. I knew it was going to be cold and had a motorcycle trip scheduled in the AM, so that was my official excuse. One of the guys went and the sound of his Inboard at 8am on the still, glass water was like Beethoven's 5th in the still, cool MI air. I did drive my buddy later in the afternoon for his first set, but resigned that I like to do my first pull behind my own boat, which for now is still in storage. Plans are to raise our course this weekend, and hopefully our full crew of seven will be all smiles, cracking brews and enjoying face plants. :)
  17. I'm going to drive my new toy more, leveraging the expected improvement in mental state stimulation will transfer some much needed performance on the water. Let's see. 6am, Sat morning, take the Vette out for a spin, come back, enter the course..........and faceplant, like always.
  18. If you can get the weight off, everything else comes easier. I lost 30+ lbs. a couple years ago and got back into the gym with Circuit Training and Pilates, and the last couple years have been my best ever. Pilates is one of those exercises that works your body in a very unique way, strengthening muscle groups that work together. I'm 60 and shouldn't have 6 pack abs, but they're there. lol
  19. I'm hoping to drop the boat in this weekend and suffer through the 50-ish water temps. Spring in southern MI just seems to take foreevvvveeerrrr :(
  20. Update: The new gray connector didn't completely solve the problem. I installed a new coil and now it's resolved. The female connectors on the coil were the culprit. Since they're embedded deep in the case of the coil, its very hard to service. Spent the weekend pulling passes in the course. Even some older women who slalom skiied for years but now want to run the course. Everything running well, even the Perfect Pass cruise (rpm based). Nice to have a good, strong running motor again. 2Valve
  21. @Moffattra ahh, no can do. Investing time in machinery warrants an equal investment in enjoyment of said machinery. :)
  22. I wanted to report back on what I ultimately found. The original issue is the engine would crank but not start. I mistakenly went down the path that I was burning up Ignition Control Module's. I spent hours troubleshooting, ohmming out every wire I could think of, checking male and female pins for corrosion..... But this weekend, I installed a completely new distributor, and the boat was running fine in the driveway. Turned off the key and it wouldn't re-start. I had my girlfriend hold the key while I wiggled some connectors and lo and behold, and a hallelujah Jesus!!, I found it. The coil has two connectors. Gray and Black. I was moving the gray connector and the engine instantly fired and idled perfect. While continuing to move the connector, the motor would mis-fire and eventually stall. Ah-hah!!!! This connector has the Tach terminal wire (#1) and the B+ to coil (#2) connections. I removed the connector and inspected the pins for corrosion. Nothing, perfect. So I just spread them out a bit and put a slight twist in them to illicit better contact and re-connected. Perfect. I'm going to splice in a new harness but I'm 100% sure this was the main issue all along. See attached. Hope this helps someone else with a similar problem. Connections can be good. Wires can be good, but sometimes, the fit of the male to female pins themselves can be suspect. 2Valve
  23. @Chef23 They still stretch. I just like the way they "feel" through the eyelets. I've found I can cinch up the bindings a little looser and they release fine, as witnessed by my OTF in the course this weekend. But my savior was there to make sure I was ok. My 10 month old pooch, who's getting better and better at being our official Spotter.
  24. I'm appreciating the new Sync bindings I put on my Carbon V, but the stock laces have issues. They chafe when cinching up and I've broken a couple. I found a set of these online. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013RJOHSG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They're a little less stretchy, (me like!) and move through the eyelets much smoother, which I hope will eliminate the chafing of the strings and breakage. Just wanted to share. 2Valve
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