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Everything posted by mfjaegersr

  1. @"Keith Menard" I knew that...just looking for the funny angle; it was low hanging fruit, to which I am partial. ? Seems to me there’s a whole ‘nother thread here (prolly been done at least twice by now?): Best Between Ski ______ (debate, world problem solved, funniest moments, etc .)
  2. What kinda ‘boat’ argument is this? Weak! What a let down; I was all ready to defend Bayliners again.
  3. @Horton that’s good data; thank you. Can you offer up similar info for US Skiers and their performances in Europe? Better or worse than FL/US?
  4. Might be interesting to have some data to support or dispute the alleged assertion by @Horton. Particularly- is it really EVERYBODY skis better outta FL, or perhaps do Europeans ski better when they leave FL (and go, you know...Home...to Europe)?
  5. Woof! And Meow! (From my pets to yours...) Holding good thoughts for you and Winston.
  6. After some free skiing Sunday, and some video analysis....I moved my bindings forward last night, aiming for better offside turning as I continue to get comfortable on this ski. Back in the course today....One warm up pass of whip drill for a sanity check, then ran 3 passes at 30/15, like they were the easiest of the year. Did the second set at 32; I’m really focused on working on gates at this point in the season, and my timing reflects it. Was too early for the gate on the last pass, but ran it for the first 32/15* of the year. Other current settings:
  7. Anybody else enjoy the benefits of a post set ice pack nap? 15-20mins, laid out with several packs strategically placed for back and shoulders, arms...I’m less sore for a shorter period, particularly early season. Makes me feel...less old? Wondering if anybody has tried these things: A) Cryotherapy- Stand pseudo-neked in the ‘sub-zero chamber for 2 minutes’ deal? B.) One of these rechillable roller ball things that doubles as a pressure point pain self-inflicter?
  8. I used to wish for exactly this (decline)...until it became clear the next ‘wave’ was just THAT...a YUUUGE! wave. ?‍♂️ Now, just about any no-talent @ss clown can - within the weekend if not same day - get that Hero shot for Instagram and Facebook, drawing oohs! and ahhhs! from the uninitiated, unknowing throng of anonymous worshippers. While docks and shorelines take it in the teeth. Oh, but for the days when it (Correct Craft) was all about NO Wake!
  9. Aaaand....120 FPS provides allegedly smoother motion handling given twice as many ‘pictures’ per second. Expect larger file sizes as a result.
  10. @Horton I'm not the original poster - that's @blagrata (and thanks for your reply; I understand the limits of time. I hope you will report if you try the tower off; I will if he's willing to try it). The lake/depth difference in this case is: the '19 is in an AZ lake (depth likely not more than 6-10'?) while the '18 w/ tower is in a WA lake (max 6'). Buddy just came back from wintering in AZ and HE was really surprised at the difference between the two, again bigger wake on the '18. It was said above ' the boat is going to sit lower in the water in a deeper lake'. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the physics of that...unless it's some buoyant 'rebound' effect seen only while moving in a 5' deep tournament lake? Once you get beyond 10' what's the difference? I'm no physics major and I'm not staying in a Holiday Inn tonight, so perhaps someone wants to play Science Guy...nicely!?
  11. Thanks @Horton My interest is more in the slalom wake at 30-34MPH/15-22...a buddy has two - an '18 and a '19, and the wake (as above) on the '18 is considerably...more considerable. It has a tower, bow lid on. Not certain about the fuel level, though typically a 1/4 tank or less. Wondering if removing the tower or lid made much difference, or if using the on-board ballast helps balance the boat and somehow equalizes/minimizes the wake and or hump? Cool pic - Buford, in no immediate danger?!
  12. @blagrata Anything to report? Tower v no-tower, other? Asking for a friend... ;-)
  13. How many skiers are in the finals (in each event)?
  14. Turn n Burn IPA Horton’s Heavy-handedly Hopped IPA Horton Hears A Hop? IPA
  15. EP* IPA (with footnote: ‘If you have to ask what this * means, order a lite beer, you Poser.’)
  16. Summary: I'll update this as the season and my skiing progresses. I switched from an S2 to the Syndicate Omni with the expectation of accelerating my technique improvement and thus progress into short(er)line - precisely what the Omni is designed for. I've been banging away at 30/32/34 MPH for the last 4 years since un-retiring from skiing; last year saw a PB of 4@34/15 and ran 32/15 a total of 25 times (7 times in 2017). I almost never ski at 30 MPH because it feels sooooo......arduous! - like skiing through yogurt. The Omni is has changed that for me. Dramatically. First Report: 5/2 - 8 passes; first day...which foot forward is it? 5/5 - 10 passes; gorgeous day. Felt a little bit like skiiing... 5/10 - Free skiing at 32/15...ahhh, ol' school. Getting a rhythm. 5/12 - Ran 30/15 back to back...off the dock, and again on the 6th/last pass, then again off the dock in the second set. I'd never run 4 complete passes in one day. That's a PB, no? Interesting... 5/14 - I should double check my fin, ensure it's still where I set it two weeks ago. (pause) Holy Shiesse! Face palm....the kind that leaves a red mark. It was sloppy loose on the leading edge, fully 1/8 deeper resulting in the wing being at 9.5* and other ! How 'bout another, redder mark. I'm thinking "How the ___? When did...? Hmm. If I skied well with it like THIS....?!?" (My buddy joked - 'what if you put it back to stock and then you ski like crap?!') 5/19 - Despite a week off, a tight low back, and cooler temps...I ran 30/15 off the dock again. And then again. And again. And again. 4 straight. Another PB of sorts. Verrrrry interesting. It's still really early...and yet I've got a pretty good feeling about making my goal this season...running 34/15 - more than once - and getting to legitimately do that scissors thing... :-)
  17. “So sex-y it huuuurrrts....” -RSF
  18. Gorgeous weekend in the PACNW; logged 10 more passes on Sunday in 75/65 air/water temps. It was like a second date - 2nd sesh on a new ski; just sniffing first base, yet flirtatious with plenty of upside! ?
  19. @"Keith Menard" Agreed! Which, to clarify, begins on the 3rd physical page (JT and JR pics) also known/labeled as the first page 16.?? Great issue...if you’re an advertiser!
  20. Editor’s nightmare, this issue. Starts on page 15...
  21. @oldjeep you’re welcome to edit your reply and remove the photo. I’d certainly appreciate it, and would offer that your text is equally ‘effective’ without the pic.
  22. @Horton Risk, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I’ve had my identity compromised twice, despite a career in IT and cyber security, and above-average awarenesss and diligence. So, I realize I can’t stop it (ID theft), yet I can make it ‘not easier’ by protecting my info reasonably. Times have definitely changed, often not for the better and certainly not in this case. Anybody else keep a ski journal BTW?! (An encrypted point in my original post...) ?
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