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Everything posted by mfjaegersr

  1. @OSSKI - The PP/Z upgrade affords all the ZeroOff options just like you have listed already; a simple PP/Z-A1, -B2, etc. would be a perfect. Pass. (Groan)
  2. Niiiice @OSSKI ! Consider adding PP/Z-Box option for speed control; add z-Box settings too? Can’t wait to ‘leave home’ and log a real set!
  3. https://forum.ballofspray.com/discussion/22325/sportube-3-tsa-and-thank-yous#latest
  4. I mean no offense, @dvskier...I had to laugh at your comment to the effect ‘use a soft-sided bag with sufficient padding (towel, vest, etc)’...because TSA is more likely to repack your soft bag and padding Mo Betta than they repack a Sportube? (I know the lock pin is the issue, moreso than repacking gear) Sportube 3 with a safety strap (plenty of examples in other posts) is the best protection you can offer your ski. Using an ST AND a soft bag on the inside to organize your gear is money.
  5. I’ll second Ozark, Peaky Blinders, Breaking Bad. Add in Sneaky Pete and Catastrophe (both Prime) for drama and wicked British comedy; same for Lilihammer, Sex Education, and Rake - Netflix comedies worth checking out.
  6. To those raising the (essentially) ‘let people die so people can get back to work’ discussion: If not yourself, who do YOU offer up to die? An aging parent or grandparent perhaps? Or does that make the discussion too personal? If only we could nominate a former horrible boss. Or awful human being disguised as a politician? Pretty easy to volunteer up other people to die so the rest of us can get on with it...that’s pretty cold, and dare I say ‘self-centered.’
  7. Connelly - Howley Reflex RP Goode -TGas No influence on my buying, though I will *never* try or even consider any brand that sponsors/props-up a morally- challenged individual. D3 is a good example of a BAD example. Just sold my Eagle vest (finally) and will replace a Masterline rope and two handles (as soon as they’re worn out) with InTow...or ‘anybody’ that’s not sponsoring horrible behavior/actions. #charactermatters
  8. Doooooonnnnnnnn’t. It’s the braking, or lack of....
  9. @disland See the Fin DB app. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fin-db/id1234631397 Silly you. ?
  10. Put me on the ‘eager-beaver/BETA Tester’ list. Ability to add or link to a photo/video to a daily record would be helpful too: pic of the site, crew, or a PR-eatin grin...
  11. @Horton - 20 sheets - at a minimum?! That’s at least 6.5 feet. ? Maybe it’s your technique? Maybe you should try left handed?
  12. Sadly it’s difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy this... “Dude - you, like, said the word ‘like’...like, 15 times in, like, your first minute of speaking....I counted.” Respectfully I offer...challenge yourself to reduce/eliminate the verbal crutches.
  13. @killer ignorant comment; you apparently don’t understand irony or sarcasm. And I *did* Listen, and DO take the doctor and other experts seriously. Lighten up, Francis.
  14. Irony: Sourcing infectious disease information....via the former Fear Factor guy. "JUST CHEW AND SWALLOW!"
  15. @Mateo_Vargas "Zero...Off..." ?!?
  16. Thanks, @aupatking. Better lucky than good eh? I was sick as a dog all last week (wondering is it just a flu?!?); glad I’d made my picks prior...there was ‘some’ strategy...?
  17. @MuskokaKy 'Thankyew, thankyew; I'm here all week...' Yeah, I'll bet Felipe M wasn't much impressed either. Yesterday's webcast was without audio starting out during Wms Slalom; I sent Jerrod a 'whatup?' text...and then audio came on about 2 mins later. Wonder - were they self-muted?!? (ROFL)
  18. @MuskokaKy C'mon man! 'Columbia' is only a couple buoys away from 'Chili'... ;-)
  19. @JeffSurdej or anyone else - can you help me/us understand why Trent Nelson has four jump scores posted, when others still haven’t jumped yet?!
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