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Everything posted by mfjaegersr

  1. Finally!! (First ride of the year, and on a new Omni)
  2. I’m not sure what our lake uses, yet I’ll add that it’s pretty sweet to have access to ‘live’ pics and data from my phone’s home screen! (Lil foggy; get to sleep in...) http://www.warmanlake.com/webcams.php
  3. As an 'after' thought...you might consider adding Icing to your post-ski routine - particularly shoulders, back, and arms. I started doing this a couple of years ago (when I unretired from skiing) and found it greatly reduces both the severity and duration of the soreness. (Of course, it's all relative; the 2nd day after the first ride of the year is always gonna be brutal, ice or no.)
  4. @JeffSurdej ‘Yes’ to your gold (golf) analogy. Why? Handicapping! levels the playing field. Perfect analog, BTW: (tournament) golf v (tourney) skiing...the intimidation factor can be enormous in both, with striking contrasts too: Starting dock vs 1st Tee Public water v private lake Muni course v country club Does waterskiing have the equivalent of a ‘driving-range pro’?! A Tin Cup? Except...golf allows goofy-ass clothing that would be banished elsewhere. Think ‘Hoo, Free bowl of soup with that?...’ Skiwear is universally cool. ?
  5. http://ossystems.com/surface/breeze/
  6. I’m a 30 year user of OS Systems drysuits...yeah, the baggy ones. It’d be great for the course work you’re describing, as well as skiing. The ability to layer accordingly- and stay dry! - are the huge pluses. Just picked mine up from the factory (outside Portland, OR); had a minor crotch seam leak retaped and the waist bungee taken out - It had been coming unglued and I guess that can’t be fixed on a 15 year old suit.
  7. @"Keith Menard" I would’ve asked if your name was Todd, and you were a musician... The other reminder was Mr. Mackey. Mmmkay?
  8. @"Keith Menard" That pic. Just. Looks. Odd...? Like your head’s been Photoshopped...
  9. I have used these as wintertime/ ‘keep it dry’ units in both of my boats, and have had no moisture issues since deploying them 8 (fishing sled) and 4 years ago (Ski Nautique). About the same wattage as a light bulb, no moving parts to overheat/fail. Might need two units if you put’er away, ya know. Wet. Ironwood Pacific DryWave 1000 Air Dryer | Helps prevent Moisture and Mold in Cool Damp Environments | Ideal for RVs, Boats, Cabins | For spaces up to 1000 Cubic Feet https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BTAQIG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0oROCbCECCP01
  10. You can also set a bookmark on your phone’s home screen that takes you directly to BOS (or any other website; like the webcam and weather page for real-time updates at the lake!!) (iPhone example)
  11. @Booze I added one of these amp/sub units in the bow of my ‘98; makes all the difference in sound quality for the 4 (new) speakers in the factory locations. Provides the low/end that was otherwise sorely missing. Easy peasy install given the one unit. Jensen 8in. Amplified Subwoofer JMPSW800 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JQVT17G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VGLKCb0BKC3CZ
  12. 8th place?!? Or 7th loser?! Pretty sweet either way, for a rookie. Wish JT would’ve survived a few more rounds...
  13. @Wish Did you try new relays? Perhaps you could borrow one/both from your buddy’s boat?
  14. @jboss what are those things in the back of your boat?! ? I’m an HO fan; x2 on the Omni demo suggestion.
  15. (I know THIS, due to research...for my comedy bit on Cornhole) The best part of Cornhole is the terminology, many of which terms can be shouted when they occur... Cow pie Cornholio Dirty bag Dirty Rollup Screaming Eagle Slippery Granny Grand bag, double duece, catorce four-bagger Hooker Sally or corn patty Short bag Shucker Whitewash When I first read all the terms...I wasn’t sure if it was for real; it sounded more like rev 2.0 of the Love Rolodex...?? Seriously. Grownups. Tossing. Bean bags. On TV. ‘Murica. ?‍♂️
  16. Cornhole: because nothing represents masculinity better than trading in your iron horseshoes for....bean bags. Friggin’ tossers... The ACL championship game? The Super Hole.
  17. I'll second what @DanE said about the relays; you'd be about due if you haven't replaced it (them) yet. There's a second one, identical, for the .....ignition/ECM?...They're about $10-15 a piece; easy to swap in/out to test. If not the ultimate culprit this time, they're good to have on hand or simply install anyway once you've found root cause.
  18. My local inboard expert replaced that harness on my ‘98; ‘twas the first thing he checked when he raised the motor cover on the initial checkout/tuneup after I bought it! Something leaking, possible fraying and sparks?
  19. Inspired by @MISkier's classic video post, my brief story about the LaPoints. I was 20 and in my second summer of skiing the course. It was 1986 and the Western Regionals came to our lake in Oregon...and because one had to ski at Regionals to qualify for Nationals at that time...the LaPoint brothers came too. I'm not a church guy...but it was like there were two Popes...and both of 'em came to Sunday school that day. Holy Shortline! Bob had to run 35 3 times (Ski Supreme - pffft!) on his way to 2 at 39.5, edging Kris by a half buoy. BLP had a bit of a tail wind, so there was no shot at his (then) WR of 5@39.5. Interesting - the local paper article indicates BLP 'enjoys a six-figure income as a professional waterskier'...Hmmm. Wow. In 1986? And what's the going ('Nate') rate now? Picture and article from THE Oregonian, Sunday August 3, 1986.
  20. Indeed, thanks for posting @MISkier.This vid is awesome! The LaPoints made their mark on me in 1986.; I'll post my story in another thread.
  21. Alan Parsons Project for much of the bumper music=? SpectatorDudes on shore...wearing speedos=??
  22. (And this explains why searching for posts like 'Introduction' or 'First Post' yielded little/nothing.) Hey Ballers, Michael here in Vancouver, WA. 50+ years old and have skied for most of them, learning on the mighty Columbia river at about 6. Despite the love, didn't ski much until I bought my first boat at 18 - a 12' homemade low-profile 2 seater speedy looking thing with a 50 HP merc older than me...pulled that thing all over the place (from behind the boat!). What an eye-opener and tendon-stretcher when I met the course and tournament boats in 1985! Trained at LineOff Lake for a couple seasons before moving cross-country to pursue fame and fortune (mostly fortune). The last tourney I entered was in Chattanooga in summer 1988, after buying my first Nautique from Cherokee Landing in Clarksville, GA. Simply free-skied for the next 23 years while living in Atlanta, LA, SFO, and back in Portland. Lived in England for 3 months in 1989 and co-workers hosted a good-bye party for me at a private lake (bet there are Brit Ballers on here that know the place). I semi-retired from skiing (coaching kids sports will do that to you/activities) and sold the '87 SN in 2008 to buy a fishing boat. Divorce in 2013 led to an Extreme Makeover: Me Edition...and un-retirement from skiing! Joined Warman Lake in 2016 and bought the '98 SN. Looking to breakthrough this season by running -15/34 and getting into -22. PB is 4@ -15/34 (at that Chatt tourney). I need coaching... I tricked in one tournament (two skis, 5th place; 520 points...still makes me laugh); went over the jump twice in practice - one complete 'crush', the other an 'on my heels' special, to learn slalom was my niche. Two college kids, two cats. Long time technology Sales Professional and semi-geek. Eager for Spring Chinook season to get here...which means ski season is right around the corner! I believe the tag 'Baller' is more about a state of mind than a performance threshold... MJ
  23. Ushering in a new era of convenience, portability, and INSTANT gratification...Ballers....I give you: Bacon Jam.
  24. Love the Hooks, @DangerBoy ! Put these up on the Wall a few weeks ago, part of the home Gym motivational makeover. I’ve been thinking of restoring the Torque; you just fanned that flame!
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