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Everything posted by mfjaegersr

  1. I know...and we’re all pulling for you, @Horton. ‘If you can get 2, you can get 4...’
  2. I'm curious to see the numbers here, given the different measuring sticks.
  3. Simple is good, especially as a ‘swing thought’ goes; ‘straighten my legs’ or ‘stand tall/proud’ is far easier to digest than ‘turn this shoulder a bit, get my hips up and straighten my arms...’
  4. If the NASCAR clues on his ski are any indication of sponsors: Masterline Eagle Silver Spray Sports Zero Off
  5. Here’s a very secure mount that doubles as a stand/phone grip: GRIPT Secure Smartphone Rig - Universal Tripod Adapter, Phone Hand Grip and Smartphone Accessory Mount - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0185CS0AG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_KXmhDbZG38G4E And I’ve been using this modified vibration damper on a homemade mount and on a Wakeye this season. Big help, for little money. You’ll need to get some parts to adapt it. PM me if you want my .02: GoolRC Gimbal FPV Camera Mount with Anti Vibration Plate for DJI Phantom Walkera Qr X350 Gopro Hero 3 3+ 4 CF Carbon Fiber https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NSF79EO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_m0mhDbV6NX52D
  6. @horton Can you fix the broken link above, with this, please? (Assuming this one works for you?) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LFoTNmXL8oS9b6oYNYL4i8XmhtpTjMFU/view?usp=drivesdk
  7. Link to video driving the ‘Powerline’ course at 32mph. Requires turning into shore and then towards an underwater ledge on the port side (as you're coming in)....Skier has a moment and a half to pull out left, effectively coasting at the boat. I hate that end....and I don’t use that word often.... https://tinyurl.com/powerlinecourse Red lines approximate the location of the actual power lines in the video...
  8. Apologies @andjules - My mistake. It was the Stillwaters event.
  9. Irony? Malibu is a title sponsor, yet the tow boats are...not Malibu.
  10. https://youtu.be/twyhkPawH3k https://www.nyaistartv.com/livestream/9202
  11. https://fo-fo.facebook.com/pages/category/Outdoor---Sporting-Goods-Company/HOSports/posts/
  12. @BraceMaker Thanks for the insights. Add ‘the heater’, which was running at least for one instance. @KRoundy ? (didn’t see the value in calling you out. For that (yr question). I’m thinking about the relay project; have you looked into ordering the parts (relay, mostly)?
  13. @KRoundy ‘98 Great thread; thanks for the link!
  14. Pity...perhaps that rear-pocket flapper adversely affected your aerodynamicicity headed to and around 4 on that last pass?
  15. I hope it’s just a grounding issue, but I had to use the horn twice in the last week...on second thought, the horn didn’t help at all...to chase the geese away from three ball as we approached. (they had slipped into the course after the previous pass) The horn honks worked like a SPEED UP control for the Perfect Pass and the display essentially goes ? until the end of the pass. I enjoyed it from the tow line end Tuesday am when Buddy Driver honked at our lake owner as we rounded the turn island. ‘This doesn’t feel like thirrrtyyy twooooo....’ More like 38...! Strict No Horn policy in effect until I can rectify the sitch. Has anybody else experienced this Horn-to-Perfect Pass connection before?
  16. Another vote for the HO Omni; My first year on the Syndicate version and coming off an S2. May be a bit pricey but you can try before you by, direct from HO. Or you might get lucky and find a used or close-out (prior year’s) one. .
  17. @bparson 67”. Just moved them forward to 29.75 two weeks ago and we’ve been schwering since...
  18. @bparson In a word ‘abutted’: I’ve thought about an RTP too, though with the R straps JUST inserted I’m able to get some/enough? ankle lift. And this ski/setup is really earning my trust while building confidence, so my RTP trial is on the back back burner.
  19. Omni strikes again!...First PB move in 31 years! I’m getting much more consistent overall with my rebuilt technique, and results agree. Went off the dock today ran 30/15 twice, 32/15 twice (first complete 32 this year...and B2B) and then 3@34/15 to finish the first set. Second set ran 32/15 OTD, then moved my PB 2 balls, getting 6@34/15, way too late to attempt the exit gate...Damnit. Janet. Previous PB of 4@34/15 tied last year 2x...but set it originally back in 1988...? (there was a 25 or so year break in there for wife n kids, etc.) And now...a toast with a well-earned Hefe! House SYNDICATE, ruling from The Carbon Throne ? @savaiusini
  20. https://www.facebook.com/100013099936917/videos/697575024022489?s=1029872955&sfns=mo
  21. Thank you! @MISkier - I’ve sent an email already. @kurt - I’m only wanted in 7 states; Michigan isn’t one of ‘em. I’d welcome your thoughts, connections for a set or two ‘near’ GRR!
  22. Aaaaand....another resurrection for this thread. Work brings me back to Grand Rapids Aug 26-29, 2019 and I would love to catch up with fellow Ballers this trip, for a few sets in the early evenings Mon, Tue, Weds. Can one of y'all offer fresh info/contacts for these previously proffered prospects?: West Shore ( @ MISkier ); Thornapple ( @ freeski41 ?); Billy's Puddle ( @ kurt ?). Standard gratuitous gas and beverage fees gladly covered!
  23. @"Keith Menard" Pretty remarkable. The ‘Shark gills’ marks are scary...when thinking what those props would do to flesh. Surprising that there aren’t more collisions like this in that Combat Fishing zone. Two observations : (1) surprised he didn’t bother grabbing the kicker tiller to try to exit stage right - or left - at 90* (prolly didn’t have as much time as video can make it seem) and (2) Dude jumps off the transom while holding onto what must be his lucky rod?! He didn’t have a FISH-ON! ?
  24. I too was fishing in the estuary the day this happened a few years ago. Columbia river near Astoria, OR. Unbelievable.
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