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Everything posted by Kimbymon

  1. I have a sport tube 3 and it fits 2 slalom skis. Plus my vest, handle, Camaro wetsuit.
  2. @MuskokaKy bring everyone you know. For those that don’t want to get on the water we will have volley ball, corn hole, slide for the kids, food and live music.
  3. @MuskokaKy , I am running the Kim Wilk Water Ski Classic. @MISkier , @Rook , @Shell @ShelbyT, @RAWSki , @DaveD , @LZywicki1 , @Orlando76 , and @PSM will all be there with me. I look forward to meeting you and Thanks for supporting my event!
  4. @Than_Bogan maybe I should have dropped some fish food in the lake? As the back of my thigh is not what I consider “fish food”. Those bite attempts hurt. And the driver was clueless, I was like “Go! Now!”
  5. @GMC speaking of bluegill they must have the piranha of bluegill at Tivoli. One tried to bite me 4 times before the driver finally “hit it”
  6. @BraceMaker our event for the Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser will be 4 passes of whatever you want including tubing. No surfing though. We will also have cornhole, volleyball, a double inflatable slide for the kids (and adults) as well as a cookout. Water participants will be charged $65 which gets them the 4 passes, a T-shirt, a pint glass with our logo, and access to food. Spectator tickets are $30 and that gets you a T-shirt, pint glass and access to food. Emily schaller who runs the rock CF foundation out of Detroit is helping me with this. Her foundation is a 501c3 and she puts on a 1/2 marathon and 5k race each March on Grosse Ile, MI. We will be actively seeking sponsors, the sponsor packet is almost ready and she has a reach of 25,000 people via social media and email. I also hope that the exposure on BOS, and MWSA helps us to get people. I also plan to email the members of the local private clubs. We joked that the auto show charity preview raised $4M last year so let’s aim for $4.1M as our goal. ?
  7. @JeffSurdej I saw in the latest USA water ski newsletter that guest membership fees will be waived between June 27 - july 3. The Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser is June 27 and is being sanctioned as a practice with guest memberships, would our event be eligible for this? Thanks Kim
  8. Big Sky Montana for our girls trip in March. Otherwise locally it’s Boyne Mtn and Highlands, Nubs Nob and Crystal Mtn here in Michigan.
  9. Water skiing is by far my favorite. There is just something about being on the water that makes all my problems go away. I do love snow skiing and love my girls ski trips but take me to the lake any day. I am very fortunate in that my group of female water skiers is also my group of downhill skiers.
  10. My personal favorite is also one of the “you never stop feeling the pull “ ads
  11. As my girlfriend said the other day “OMG the water is coming down my front, let’s go!”
  12. It's been a great season. If my calculations are correct I have skied around 144 sets. I went from not being able to run a full pass at 15 off to running the full pass consistently. I slowed the boat down to 24.9 and once I could do that have been speeding up. I can now run 15 off at 28.6 and have gotten 3 @ 30.4mph. I also decided to try 22 off. I can run that pass at 24.9 mph and have gotten 5@ 22 off at 26.7 mph. I had coaching sets with Seth Stisher twice and have been using my ski doc orbit to record my sets so I can see what I need to fix. @MISkier reviews my videos for me. :smile: I also joined the East Side Ski league and have improved my tournament scores from 3 points in a round to getting 50 points in a round. Last weekend in our last tournament here of the season I set a new PB by 1 buoy.
  13. @Wish no I don’t believe insurance is extra. I don’t remember paying anything more to ship my ski than the $50-60. I believe that includes insurance and like others have said customer service is awesome.
  14. @Wish It is generally $50-60 to ship skis via ship sticks, so pretty reasonable. I don't know what USPS costs as I have never used them.
  15. Kim Wilk, 45 years old. Started skiing at age 4 on a lake in Mid-Michigan. Didn’t ski a course until I was 39. I joined a ski club last year and now ski 3, 4, and sometimes 5 times a week. Met @MISkier at work several years ago and my obsession for skiing went bonkers. He claims it was always there but took meeting him to come out. I started skiing tournaments last season and my husband calls this my “mid life crisis”. How can it be a mid life crisis if I have been skiing for 41 years? I have made a great progress in my skiing this year and hope to continue to make progress.
  16. @UWSkier the first few times I just had water ski box (that a new ski would come in) that I had gotten from action water sports. The last time I shipped my ski in my sport tube 3.
  17. I have used ship sticks multiple times. Great service. Most of the time I was shipping my slalom ski to my brothers house but I did use it to ship it home instead of checking it on the airplane the last time. Never had any issues and is cheaper than checking it at the airport and safer.
  18. @Shell , can I join your household? ?
  19. Forgot to remove my earrings today. As I pulled my heater top off, one of my diamond stud earrings went with it. I think it’s somewhere under the dock at the club....
  20. I have always dragged a foot coming up, it’s how my dad taught me. It’s kind of like stepping up onto a low table. The only issue I seem to have and it’s more of a precaution is to watch for possibly straining the hamstring on your front leg. Otherwise I feel my rear foot is my “rudder” that stabilizes me in the water.
  21. @Orlando76 you are welcome to ask me questions anytime. CF sucks, I won’t lie. Just had a PICC line put in today for an exacerbation. I have 10 days of IV antibiotics to do. Andy and I seem to be on the same wave length. I may complain and I may feel sorry for myself occasionally but I am fighting this with everything I have . I promised my husband I would live to be 110 so I have 65 more years that I promised him. And I plan to water ski for the next 65 years. Everyday I pray that they find more medicines that will improve our lives and slow down the degrading of my lungs. Please if you can, donate. Kim- age 45 living with CF
  22. @sixball are there any estimates on when they will refill Wixom? I had heard possibly by the end of May but I don’t know if that is just hearsay.
  23. @Shell I’m not sure you understand. @MISkier is ALWAYS cold. Wears fleece at work in July. So the fact that he water skis willingly in March makes him a little weird . ?
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