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Everything posted by VermontSkier

  1. @12jam6 I would suggest not "whining" to radar but asking them nicely to help you out. Shit happens but you are far more likely to get good support from the company by contacting them first in a civil manner than bashing them here. Radar is awesome and Brooks is awesome.
  2. Did this thread change from Sanger DXII to centurion falcon?
  3. @perfski has some great slalom packages and they are known for great service. Give them a call and tell them what speed you ski at (and hope to ski at) and I am sure they will set you up with something great within your budget. https://www.perfski.com/ski/slaloms/slalom-ski-packages
  4. @skinautiquer not much help for public courses in Montana and Idaho, but if you are close to the Vermont border come ski with us in Brattleboro. We have a sweet course setup on the CT river.
  5. This is awesome, hope you are skiing behind it real soon!
  6. @ReallyGottaSki sweet, this is going to be an awesome ski tug, keep the pics coming!
  7. This is awesome! Was this the one that was for sale in Mass and was on Facebook marketplace for a while? Great job, psyched to see more!
  8. Something like this would be a much better investment and take you further as you progress, and honestly would probably be more fun than those two budget skis: https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Slalom&postid=63849
  9. @Buxrus this seems a lot more like someone who cares about protecting their investments than someone bragging. Not cool man. @Jaypro hope the skiing is treating you well up north!
  10. I just ordered a Westland custom fit cover for my 02 Malibu Sportster through Bald Mikes. They should have the 06 LXI pattern as well. It is sunbrella and fits great. I was going to order from skiboatcovers.com but they are 8-10 weeks out right now. My Westland cover took about 2 weeks to show up.
  11. @nautique1228 Freddy's 39 pass was under review for the 6 ball and they determined he was inside so he was left with 5 at 39. Really bummed for him, it was so hard to really tell on the replays. I also wish there was a rewind feature.
  12. I think Dano is doing just fine. As already mentioned, they are doing the onsite announcing and I think they are doing a good job keeping the atmosphere exciting. Glad that there is a webcast available and that events like this are getting support from sponsors.
  13. Just want to chime in to say that I hope you are having fun! It is awesome that your significant other is dedicated to helping you get back into skiing. Lots of great advice here, but don’t forget to laugh and take joy in the process. This is a hurdle that you will certainly overcome and skiing will be awesome again. Cheers!
  14. @BraceMaker and @DW thank you for the advice. Putting a strong return spring on (I didn't have one on before) has helped immensely with PP and the boat is idling pretty well now since it is actually going fully back to idle thanks to the spring. Now I feel dumb I didn't have that on sooner! And the boat is indeed a Holley carb. I do need to learn a bit more about it. One of the pains is starting. Sometimes it is hard to start both cold and warm, almost always requiring a pump or two of the throttle. Is that more carb or would an electrical tune-up help this? I.E. plugs, cap, rotor, and wires?
  15. @503Kento I actually never installed the extra spring that PP sent with mine, until I found it in my boat last night. It is pretty long so I am guessing I have it set up somewhat similarly to you from the throttle arm to the manifold. @BraceMaker thanks for the great insight. I need to learn bit more about tuning my carb. I still don't have a great understanding of how to get it properly running. Most of my attention to the carb is adjusting the idle speed so its not taking off too hot when tightening up the rope for a skier.
  16. Thank you all for the feedback on both z-box with the carb and mapping a river course, super helpful and appreciated! I know I won't be able to get the same pull as zero-off but it will be nice to get something a bit tighter. @503Kento what do you mean by good throttle return spring? I think mine seems okay, speed locks in without big adjustments when pulling a skier but is it worth buying a different spring? Thanks again everyone!
  17. Hi Ballers, I am wanting to install z-box on my 2002 Malibu sportster which has an Indmar 5.7 that is carbureted. I have Perfect Pass 9.2 and would like to dabble in tournaments this year and try to get a closer pull to zero-off. So, I have two questions: 1. How does z-box work with a carbureted engine? Will it be difficult to tune it so it has quick response time? If z-box wouldn't be a big improvement, does bumping up the Kx values help with the pull? 2. Do folks have experience with mapping a course on a river? We generally have pretty calm conditions but there is sometimes flow when the dam south of our course needs to produce power. Would I be needing to re-map every time I ski (assuming there is some shifting from river current?) I know mapping is pretty easy, and is probably a good idea to go through the course slowly every time we ski to check for any debris/missing balls. Thanks for any ideas/input!
  18. @swbca I was hoping there might be a new version of PP! Cheers
  19. @swbca what do you mean by zero off with StarGazer?
  20. I appreciate your piece. Summer, being on the boat, and skiing are tied with enjoying craft beer afterwards for me. I did dry January and lost a lot of weight, slept better, was far more productive, and less anxious. I'm not sure I want to completely give up drinking beer, but I think my skiing and wellbeing would benefit from taking more nights off (my usual is 1-2 beers, pretty regularly.) I too came to enjoy the NA craft beers and they definitely met that craving at the end of the day. I better run to the store and grab some NA IPA's!
  21. @jpwhit that is awesome, I hope you will keep us posted. It certainly deserves a thread on BoS! When I saw it I had dreams of restoring and repowering but as a 30 year old working full time and trying to ski as much as I can in my free time, I didn’t think it was feasible. Have fun!
  22. @jpwhit So cool! Glad this went to a baller. What are your plans with it? Does it run or are you going to re-power? Cheers
  23. Didn't realize this was an old thread, my comment was irrelevant!
  24. @KRoundy ideally a course but open to some free skiing!
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