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Everything posted by Clydesdale

  1. Livestream seems better, but we can only rewind 3 hours? Maybe I’m just an idiot-tell me if I’m wrong. Why does everyone except TWBC refuse to use YouTube!?
  2. That background music…. I’m losing my mind! 🤣
  3. Long line please. Give me the full 75. 🤣 07BC5175-AECC-4AFD-91A4-D67F90837551.mp4
  4. Recommend trying/comparing HO Carbon Omni (don’t think you’ll feel the difference with syndicate), Radar senate graphite, and connelly carbon V. I’ve owned all 3. All are excellent, but they ride a little differently.
  5. Highly recommend adding novice buoys if you’re not using them. They keep the poles straight and level.
  6. Thanks @jpwhit and @RAWSki. Looks like a pretty easy swap. not sure about the depth gauge. I’ll have to check next time in the water.
  7. I have a 2019 nautique 200, and the lake temp just went to 0. (Cold here in Maine, but not THAT cold.). I’m guessing it’s a bad transducer. Anyone ever seen this problem? Advice?
  8. When it comes to podium champagne shananigans….. Doesn’t matter who wins for women or men.. the men just seem to understand, at a chromosomal level, how to spray that shit everywhere. Women. Raise your game.
  9. Great to hear Ali Nicholson ran 39 today. Wish we should have seen it!
  10. I’m happy they are doing a webcast, but getting really tired of unclear messaging about these things. It would be helpful if tournament organizers/broadcasters would clearly state what is being broadcast, when, and how to find it. If it’s not TWBC it’s a crap shoot. Right now 50 people waiting for the YouTube broadcast to start. They’ll be waiting quite a while!
  11. Lacanau started today, but they are only broadcasting Sunday. Is that correct? Just spent a half hour hunting and want to make sure I’m not missing it.
  12. What’s everyone think of the webcast? I appreciate their effort. And I tried. I really did. No disrespect to the announcers. They’re doing their best. But…. Where did they find “twitch.tv”? I’m willing to suffer through a lot if it’s at least on a solid platform with basic capabilities.
  13. Same symptoms here-steering cable replaced before I bought the boat. Not sure how many hours before. Mine is a 2019, so I’d need to remove the fuel tank for access. If you figure it out I may become inspired. Otherwise I’ll just ski fast and pretend I don’t have a problem. 😁
  14. Anyone know if it’s being webcast? Can’t find any details on their site, and for some reason this tournament is not part of the pro tour this year.
  15. We’ve eaten there twice-both positive experiences. Good food good service. I wasn’t expecting much since they just opened, but they had a really strong start. The place is busy all the time so get there early. TWBC is working on maybe running old tournament videos on some of the bar screens. Or possibly even live tournaments!
  16. Agree with The recommendations for direct drive. For $30k you should be able to find something pretty nice with speed control (a serious advantage).. if you absolutely must go the I/o route I would steer you towards stingray. Not too bad to ski behind compared with others.
  17. @03RLXi As a -28/32 skier I think PP/stargazer/zbox is close enough for me. That may not be the case for short line skiers.
  18. @NewStarts where are you located? Someone here may be close and able to instruct in-person.
  19. @NewStarts sounds like maybe you’re pushing your skis too far in front of you. Keep your legs in a squat position with your tips in front and your feet under your butt. As the boat goes stay in that position, with arms straight, and say to yourself “my favorite food is pizza” before standing up. Don’t get discouraged. You’ll get it!
  20. @B_S Taryn grant. She was fine, but missed her 35 re-ride. I’m sure it threw her off mentally.
  21. Proposal for next ball of spray t shirt: “S-turns are for pussies”.
  22. Thanks everyone. I got it done. Kind of hard to describe, but the floor dips down at the engine box. The zerk is mounted directly behind the dip. It’s actually higher than the dip and pointed up. Picture below will give you a better idea. Simple solution was to remove one of the Phillips mounting screws, and rotate the bracket so the fitting is horizontal for easier access. I suspect their intent was to mount this 4-5 inches forward of where they did, so it could be seen and accessed from the engine compartment. Someone in the design/manufacturing process messed up a measurement. Note-mine is an early 2019. Wouldn’t surprise me if they figured this out and corrected the problem in newer boats.
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