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Posts posted by 03RLXi

  1. Yes, I've been plugging it into laptop and using windows explorer to move the files to hard drive then view them. Keen to know what's the best/easiest/good value viewing tools.

    Wondering if a tablet would be good in boat to review the session?


  2. My wonderful wife surprised me with a GoPro Hero11 Black for Christmas. What's the go to software to use for reviewing my waterskiing video?  It's my first ever action camera so not sure what to use.

    So far experience of the camera itself is good, but as far as software and managing files goes, really frustrating! Have put the Quik app on phone and laptop. My phone is an iPhone 6 so small screen and hence not great. Haven't paid for subscription so that limits some of the Quik mobile features (we ski in an area with no phone coverage so buying the subscription to get unlimited cloud seems like pointless thing to do). Furthermore the Quik desktop software hasn't been supported for several years and that's causing issues. It'll see the GoPro but won't download from it via cable. I use windows or card reader to get the data onto the laptop.    

    Go to software for other uses? Trekking, biking, etc

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  3. Gave it a try yesterday. What an absolute blast to ski on! So so much fun slashing the wakes and attempting to jump the wakes. I've never gotten up so easily. It'd be great for physically challenged people. I found that a quick pull out edge and you're right up at 90degs or even more alongside the boat. I did find the tail feels really loose so that was odd. Definitely can feel the ski flexing. Didn't have much time so only tried it with PP set to 27kph. Will try increasing it to 30kph next time out. A challenge between friends to who can run the course slowest would be really entertaining.

  4. @Luzz hopefully I get a chance to try it this coming weekend. Weather and pre Christmas activities have prevented any boat time since receiving it :-(
    I'm coaching our clubs childrens ski school 19-21st Dec so might even put some of them on it. When I say 'coaching' it's low level, getting absolute begineers up and helping others drop a ski type level.

  5. How hard it was to change horse to car, film to digital, fax to email, etc would differ depending on who was looking at the challenge. I expect many of those involved in the existing would have thought they had years of dominance only to discover their dominance rapidly declined.

    Inboards boats use engines essentially sourced from cars so we can be pretty certain ski boats will lag behind car electrification, but how long is uncertain. Early adopters will pay mega bucks, those who wait a while less premium, then e it EV, hydrogen, biofuel or whatever will become normal and sticking with the old ICE tech will become the expensive option. Cars quickly became cheaper than horses, digital cheaper than film, email less than fax etc

  6. Batteries are what's causing the current delays in uptake of EVs. Capacity and rate of charge. The electric motors, controls, etc are all well and truly sorted, ready to go, reliable, etc. Once storage capacity and charge is solved the only delay will be build delays. Boats for sure will lag cars due to supply constraints but they will change too, just a bit later. Change will be much quicker than many think. Many industries have found that out (Kodak, fax, car map books, etc)mqa8dmqyhwva.jpg

  7. @Horton absolutely agree, if I cannot see the skier clearly in mirror and cannot visually confirm their readiness for tow I will not start the pull. I'll tend to turn head for initial movement away from skier when they drop in off boarding platform and then will use mirror as rope approaches straight then tight.
    With current CIPA mirror and it's centre mounted position there's no way it can be moved far enough to see myself. Can't even rotate it enough to the right (anticlockwise when viewed from above) to get the skier view symmetrical. Not worried about not seeing skier at buoy width, but symmetrical would be better than now.Will take some mirror and mount photos at weekend

  8. @TomH good point about tower folding and mirror location as we do lower the tower each weekend when the boat is put under the storage roof (can just see roof in left of photo). Mirror arm might clash with the windscreen when lowered.I was really careful when purchased the new Indy bimini that it could entirely mount off the front tower hoop so that tower could lower without need to unbolt bimini.

    I'm now thinking I'll slide the bimini frame backwards about 80mm so that it lines up with edge of the windscreen rather than being further forward. That'll solve the centre mirror to bimini clash when opening.
    As for the non symmetrical view I'll put up with it. It's just the way it is. If the OEM CIPA would rotate 5 degrees more would be all good. Suspect taller driver with seat further back wouldn't experience the same non symmetry problem. Not prepared to buy a new wider angle mirror to just fix that.

  9. I love my Senate & this certainly isn't a replacement for me. It's additional.Number 1 intent is its as a learners ski rather than putting them on two skis. Hopefully direct on rope but if necessary off my training boom then progress to handle off boom, then short rope off tower then 18.25m rope.Number 2 is I can play slashing wakes, jumping, etc. I'm so looking forward to trying it out it's almost number 1!Number 3 is that less skilled friends can learn the course using it.

  10. Here’s the first video ever from my ski doc. Taken using a very old Sony Cyber-shot DSC-L1 camera. Think it was purchased in 2005. The video is a mighty 640x480 and up to 30 fps. I’m pretty impressed by the result. The camera and mount does well all considered.

    My skiing not so great! That’s only my second ski this year but I really thought I was doing much better having listened to a lot of Spraymakers podcasts and making changes. To be fair I haven’t seen any video in last few summers so maybe it is actually a big improvement and I was really really bad prior! Skiing at 49kph / 30mph.

  11. Interesting stuff. It seems legalities are preventing PP or any other company doing the 'same' as ZO. I wonder if there's a different way? Perhaps overlaying in camera with AI, rope tension, using a separate DBW throttle body, etc.

    It's all irrelevant to me as I'm just a keen non tournament 15' off skier. Just interested in the concept, engineering, controls, etc

  12. I don't know what head unit you have however my 2003 Response LXi has the same remote. While enquiring about adding an aux input or bluetooth I discovered that remote uses an old connector that isn't made any more

    (FYI I couldn't add aux or bluetooth to the remote or headunit so I'm now simply using a bluetooth FM transmitter and tune radio to it)

  13. Cheers @vtmecheng I bought a used skidoc end of last season and haven't had chance to use it yet (I'm in NZ so season starts mid-late next month). Like many I'm a bit budget limited so will first try my iphone 6S and a mighty 10+year old Sony 1.3megapixel camera we have sititng in cupboard doing nothing. If vibration problems I'll try your fix then if still not ideal will beg my CFO and Santa for a Gopro.

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