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Everything posted by Deke

  1. I think the 99 Sunsetter LXi had the same SV diamond hull as the Response LX, which is a great slalom wake.
  2. @BraceMaker agreed about the bias/brand loyalty/marketing of skis! BUT what is the company with blacked out hockey sticks??? US or Canada?
  3. Be nice if there was an equivelent of blacked out hockey sticks for slalom skis. @BraceMaker what do you mean?
  4. @swc5150 what size are the Lyric and Vapor she rode. At that speed size is going to make a big difference, Maybe more than anything else.
  5. @MS I was thinking about those who look for the next ball. If you are looking as you round the ball, the next one is ahead of the boat. Right?
  6. @SSG223 Senate and CDX nothing alike. You will not be disappointed with the Senate. Wow, go try with the Radar guys! You may get insight on more than just the ski.
  7. Maybe a little off topic, but does anyone remember which ski the 2017 Senate was based on?
  8. @skigirl00 all good advice here. Pay special attention to @brooks since I think he might know a little something about Radar. B)
  9. Agree with you @ScottScott that there is a big difference between "compressed" and "squatting" that is completely lost on some people. Whatever it takes to get aligned for whatever phase of turn, load or transition is what is important. Sometimes what you perceive is not what you need.
  10. Soft and flat wakes at 32 mph, and 28' off rope length Quality and reliability I think I'd prefer fuel injection over carburated, although the ease of working on a carburated motor is attractive I would want / need some form of cruise control - doesn't have to be the best, just good enough for open water skiing Sounds like a "99 Response LX" but might be hard to find. I think most owners like myself just kept them. Keep in mind though that a boat that old is going to need some TLC.
  11. @UWSkier I don’t think getting caught is a matter of the glove not releasing from the handle in a normal way. I think when they get stuck it’s because the dowel and strap get caught in the corner between the rope and the bar. FWIW, your pinky can do that in regular gloves too.
  12. The poll and the original post asked if we thought Clinchers can lead to injury. Many voters voted that they "don't believe so" but then went on to comment about modifications, handle designs, etc. to avoid getting caught. What's up with that? I have and do use them when I feel I need them, but I'm not going to fool myself that they that they can't cause injury.
  13. Wow. I've skied Soda many times while visiting Denver. It doesn't seem like the ideal paddle board site either, not to mention there is a bigger lake right next door for that sort of thing.
  14. I feel for ya @Fam-man . We never even got ours in this year!
  15. As @FSSPCat said it can be tough to find a spot on some hulls. I looked into a commercial model for my "99 RLX and there is not enough space to mount between steps in the hull. Surfing is fun and is a great way to spend a windy afternoon on a public lake but I am just not motivated enough to hack my boat for it.
  16. Our small town ACE has a surprisingly great selection of stainless. If you don't find what you need there then try McMaster. My take on Home Depot is that it is sort of like Walmart in terms of quality specialty items.
  17. I agree with what @Wish and others have said about knowing your limits and being in shape. But I'm going the other way with my vote because they can contribute to longer term injuries if you ignore these things. I am not a shortline skier but have used these gloves over the years off and on with the dowel removed. Never had a hangup. They are absolutely "camp savers"! But I believe that all of the arm muscles need to work together to avoid injury in the long run and you are not doing yourself any favors by only using clincher gloves all of the time. BTW, I miss the handle more often with them as opposed to others who cannot release.
  18. @markn Just. Wow. I've got some good ones but that is pretty over the top!
  19. @ballsohard right, "what the market will bear." But individuals can only purchase what they can afford. What percentage of your income should you spend on skiing? We are talking disposable income here, not just what it costs to take a boat to market. What if the "market" only bears boats that are too expensive for the rest of us?
  20. I'm curious what people think a new boat should cost. Keep in mind what you make and spend on housing, vehicles, ATV's, UTV's, Snowmobilles, Motorcycles, dining out, golf, phone, internet, TV, food, coffee, etc. Also do you make payments on your boat? What is a comfortable payment if you make one? I'm thinking we're all losing site of how this thread started. It's really a personal thing but I'd say that @MS said it best: It should not cost more then the truck used to pull it. Kind of puts it into the perspective of whoever you are and what your financial situation is. It's all relative.
  21. @MS that is awesome. Obviously your income level has everything to do with your boat purchase. In my case it was a one time purchase in 1999 for an almost new '99 RLX. I will do whatever it takes to keep her in top shape.
  22. @Horton that is the first mention of rankings in this whole thread. And, it makes sense for elite skiers when you consider that rankings are based solely on scores as opposed to placement or direct competition. Maybe qualifications at that level need to be based more on direct competition instead of a ranking system? Just thinkin' out loud.
  23. I dunno, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why this matters so much. It's like the argument is "my 41 was better than your 41." Isn't the tournament supposed to be about who was best on that course on that day? Seems like a lot of grumbling about who's allowed in the 41 club or not. "If he ran it, I would've run it (but I wasn't there)." This was not a record. Everyone else skied the same course under the same conditions and someone won. Forget the 41.
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