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Everything posted by DaveD

  1. @Horton, Maybe this would be a good time for break out that trick ski and work on your toe holds.
  2. Clipped a gate ball and went over the front a few years back. Lost all feeling in my right arm and shoulder via a stinger, blew out an eardrum, and partially tore my MCL. Don't know what was worse, the pain from the impact or freakin' out because I thought I broke my arm. In the end, the pain and stinger was temporary, the partially torn MCL ended my season.
  3. My tip, any knucklehead can run the course. It takes skill to crash like @MS.
  4. It probably tracks real nice in a shallow lake. Might have a slight rooster tail at 22off though.
  5. Looks like they filled a couple boats up with water at the end of the video.
  6. If she has a problem with sun and heat, you should consider Michigan. Seems like all we have here is cold, cloudy, windy days.
  7. Blast away, it's only money. Living with regret isn't fun. You don't want to be thinking "why didn't I make this stupid lake longer?" every time you ski.
  8. Am I the only one worried about fatigue cracking with this ski?
  9. Take them to a party store and show them what your favorite beer is.
  10. I thought you were giving a hint in your note to @blackdynamite. Just remember that close is good enough in horseshoes, hand grenades, and Centurion contests.
  11. From the department of crazy ideas, what if the ski left a mark on the buoys or the buoy left a mark on the ski if the ski touches the buoy? The top of the buoy could be coated with an easily transferred, waterproof material like a grease or paint that is dyed a florescent color. If a ski hits the buoy, some of this material will transfer onto the ski leaving a mark that can be inspected if there is a question. If there's grease on the bottom or edge of the ski, the skier gets no credit for that buoy. If there's a mark on the binding or top of the ski, the skier gets credit for the buoy. Obviously the grease or paint or whatever material would need to be relatively easy to clean off anything that touches it and bio-degradable but not easily washed off with water. A material with these properties probably doesn't exist but I'm throwing it out there as food for thought.
  12. @Gloersen Those would be especially handy when wave runners are around.
  13. How often do you see someone skiing 39off on a public lake these days?
  14. His penmanship is better than mine. From the drawing can we assume you have slack issues at one ball?
  15. @John, Thanks for posting the videos and to D3 for allowing it to happen. I think most of us would love to take that plant tour too. Dave
  16. John, Is you ankle still injured? Any idea when your review will be wrapped up?
  17. What's the deal with the Dallas Cowboy star hanging on the wall?
  18. I'd rather it said: the children are our future so don't let them ride waverunners BallOfSpray
  19. Don't lie about your weight.
  20. Is the life vest really needed?
  21. ToddL, I think I went to high school with you in the early 80s.
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