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Posts posted by mopowpow

  1. Just wondering if I should use the sequence plate or double plates on my new ski. What differences will I feel between the two? I just got a 66" 2017 Vapor Graphite, I have double Vapor boots (2016). I always used the sequence plate on my D3 Z7. I'm 57, female, 155-160 lbs, ski 15 off, 28-32 mph. I have only taken 3 sets on the ski and am loving it, it is very smooth and stable, a little faster across the wake than my old D3 (I'm guessing it was shot after 7 years....). The boots are currently mounted on the sequence plate. Thanks!
  2. @Mitzysman, I would look for a 1993 or newer Sport Nautique for open water. We were looking for a boat in 1992 and the Nautique dealer told us to wait until spring to get the 1993. He even had a 1992 that we demoed. It was a good choice waiting till 1993 to buy our Sport, the boat had a sweet spot for slalom around 30-32 mph, at 15 off. I remember the 1992 had a pretty hard rooster tail. At the same time we also demoed the MC205, it was a very rough riding boat on the open lake. The sport was also smoother riding than the SNOB. We sold our Sport to friends about 3 years ago for $12k. For the kids and anyone else that wake boards, it has an awesome wake for that too with a little ballast. aal64havvps2.jpeg


  3. Ditto for @m_pags, we have a VW dock and added a 4' slip around our boat. We've just had 2x6s across the corners to reach the bow the last couple years, but filling in the corners this summer. Before that we had to rely on my husband's ape arms to reach as far as possible to wipe down the bow, and me hanging off the dock to get the rest.
  4. Learned with a kicker and back foot in, could never get the hang of dragging. Switched to double boots due to ankle problems. There was a lot of swearing the first few sets! Then I decided I need to lift my heel a bit on the start, made it much easier.
  5. @6balls, yes I'm at Dream Lake Estate. We only have 1 tournament a year now, the Iowa Games/state tourney. Most of the owners don't ski it anymore. Good thing ISU puts our lake to good use.

    We used to ski at Coralville all the time before we got our first inboard, my inlaws kept their boat there. We might have seen you, we were usually drooling over the inboards.

  6. @liquid d, my sister had stem cell treatment for her hip about 2 years ago. She went to Mayo and they used her own stem cells. She went back for a check up 6 months later, feeling better, but tests indicated no real improvement. They told her she would need to have it done several more times to see any results. She scheduled a hip replacement a few months later.
  7. Thanks @cragginshred! I like the idea of standing on the cushion to work core and balance, it makes sense. I'm a personal trainer and the majority of my clients have shoulder issues (me included). I normally throw in some rotator cuff work, since they never seem to continue exercises provided by their physical therapist. "It doesn't hurt any more, I can stop!" But guess that's what keeps us in business!
  8. I get the same thing, RFF and tight left hip flexors. Mine gets worse as the season continues. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night in a fetal position and can't extend my hip. When doing the suggested stretches for the left hip, flex the left glute. The glute is the opposing muscle and flexing it will give the hip flexor a better stretch. Also, get in the gym and work those glutes! Squats, deadlifts, RDLs, hip bridges, hip thrusts, etc. I'm a personal trainer and spend a lot of my time working on this issues with my clients that are desk jockeys.
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