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Posts posted by mopowpow

  1. We leased a SN196 around 2003 for our club. For some reason we bought 1 boat and leased the other for a year. When we returned the leased boat, we bought a 2004. We then got on a rotation of keeping each boat 2 years, trading the older each year. We did this through Son Watersports in Clear Lake WI, the last I knew he was a Malibu dealer. Not sure how common leases are on ski boats.
  2. Pulled the boat yesterday. It was a shame on such a beautiful day... We could have left it in a little longer, but we're heading to Colorado for a week. Besides I skied last week and had to wear a wetsuit, I HATE wearing neo after a good summer. I can do it in the spring, but not in the fall.
  3. @jhughes‌, I agree Shore Stations are the best lifts. We had one on a public lake for over 15 years and never had a frayed cable. We purchased a used one for our ski lake that is now over 10 years old and it's still in great shape. Although I have see cables snap on them when overloaded with a huge Cobalt.
  4. @scoot1123, it's Iowa, so of course there are corn & bean fields around.... There is a corn field now to the north of the lake that was a hay field for years, it has a drain tile that dumps into the east lake (dumb move). But our west lake is the one that usually has more algae, it has the homes. We can't get it through the heads of some of the homeowners that all the fertilizer goes right into the lake. The most polluted water in the country, and governor Braindead says the farmers can self regulate to keep our water clean. Yeah, right!

    I'm going to suggest a few things again to hopefully clean up the water. For starters I think our grass carport dying and need to be restocked.

  5. 14mkx1ifsnu5.jpg


    My rant for the day.... It's 80 & calm and our lake looks like Lake Erie! How many of you deal with water quality issues? I just can't get in when it looks like this. This is caused by goose $hit, lawn fertilizer, grass clippings, and binding soap. You'd think the homeowners would be more concerned about the water quality. But every other body of water in Iowa looks the same.....

  6. @Dusty‌, start with an empty bar (45 lbs) or lighter if available. You need to work on proper form and range of motion prior to adding weight. I've read articles from some of the best trainers in the world that half squats are actually harder on the knees and back than full squats. This is mainly due to the amount of weight required to do partial squats. You just need to check the ego and go lighter... I'm doing about half the weight with a full squat than I used to do with a half squat.

    If you feel you aren't balanced between right & left sides, and can see a weight shift during the squat, start with split squats. Hold dumbells in hands, place front foot on a low bench, bending front knee, slowly drop as low as you can, don't let your front heel rise, push back up keeping the front foot on the bench. The back leg can bend as little or as much as you want. I like to keep mine fairly straight to stretch my tight hip flexors.

    Make sure your knees travel over your 2nd toe (knee doesn't track to the inside or outside of the toe). Also, don't worry about your knee traveling forward of your toes. This doesn't apply to full squats, as long as your torso and shins are at the same angle, you are OK.

    I found it was easier to get a full squat with good form doing a front squat vs back squat. I started these with a 35 lb bar.

  7. @Than_Bogan‌, do you know when most women that lift, lift heavier when they know they can beat a guy in the gym? This mentality got me through a plateau last spring.... I was stuck at 6 pull-ups, saw a young pup struggle to do 6. I then made it to #7 on my next set, about puked, but got it! One of my clients about peed himself laughing when he figured out what I was doing...
  8. @jimbrake, the olymic lifts are great for skiing, both water & snow. I like to do Romainian Deadlifts (slight bend in knee) to work the lower back, glutes, and hammies. Also do 'ass to the grass' or 'leave a stain' squats, deep squats are great for the lower body, you will probably need to drop the weight if currently doing 1/2 squats. I also do a lot of front squats, they recruit the core more than a back squat, and can't be cheated! When waterski season is over I spend some time doing split squats, especially with the front foot on a low bench. This helps balance out my legs and works on range of motion prior to getting into regular squats and deadlifts. I also do split squats with the back leg on a low bench.
  9. I got up to 9 pull-ups last spring before I started skiing, not bad for a woman in her early 50s.... I could do more pull-ups than all of the other female trainers put together at my gym :) I used the following workout from Charles Poliquin: http://www.poliquingroup.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/1105/How_to_Radically_Improve_Your_Chin-Ups_in_16_Weeks.aspx

    This was the strongest I had ever felt starting the season, great grip!

  10. Hearing about snakes & gators makes me appreciate living in Iowa! It gets too damn cold here for critters like that, we just get the occasional snapping turtle. My cousin in Arizona carries a hand gun for the rattlers. She points it at them, moves it from side to side, stops, then BANG, dead snake!
  11. I'm thinking about getting a new ski and was considering the Radar Vapor, I've noticed there are 3 different Vapors: Lithium, Graphite, Alloy. I'm assuming the reviews on BOS are for the Lithium. What would I be giving up if a Graphite or Alloy is purchased? Would I even know the difference at my level?? Would they be better? Or should I stick with a D3?

    I'm currently on a 66" D3 Z7ST, 150lb female, skiing no more than 32mph (W5).

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