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Posts posted by mopowpow

  1. I get full checks every year by my Derm (I was on the every 6 months schedule, then switched to annual). I watched my mother die from melanoma 20 years ago at 65. It is not a good way to go... People do not take this seriously enough for all the time we spend in the sun.

    Basil Cell Carcinoma might not be as deadly, but can be disfiguring if left too long. I had a small spot on my nose a few years ago that I originally thought was a zit, but it didn't go away. It could have been just a small, easy removal if I had gone to the Derm earlier. Luckily I was sent to the best plastic surgeon in town, most people don't even notice the scars.

    Always use sunscreen & wear your wide brimmed hats!

  2. We found a lake near Longmont CO, it's called Pelican Shores Estates.  It isn't a slalom specific lake, but a gravel pit/turned lake development.  They put a slalom course in the main part(east/west) of the lake.  We are planning on going out & skiing it after the ice melts.  Would like to score a lot there if it skis good.

    Anyone here know anything about Pelican Shores?

    Anyone want to buy a money pit, er I mean a condo on Clear Lake in Iowa? 

  3. 6balls,

    Yes, we need to go back to doing something like that, our tourneys have been pretty BORING the last few years.  Ability level groupings would be great, mix the men & women of all ages. 
    Scott got tired of being the director a few years ago & passed off the 'duties'.  He didn't ski much last summer, our lake was missing it's 'godfather of skiing' & I missed my morning ski partner (had to settle for the husband instead).

  4. My name is Terri, I'm uh... I never admit this... 3 years from W5.  I have been slalom skiing since I was about 15, and learned to slalom behind a mid-60s Correct Craft on 10 Mile Lake in Minnesota.  My brother in-law's friend (nic-name Swanny) got me going & forever hooked...  It was all free skiing for me until I was about 40, so I got a late start in the course.  I ski at Dream Lake Estates between Des Moines & Ames Iowa.  If anyone is ever through the area, stop by for a pull! 
    I ski on a 66" D3 Z7 ST with Radar RS1 bindings.  I am working on 15off/34mph - it is elusive to me...  Think maybe I'll just start practicing for W5 where max speed is 32mph...
    Was trying to get together to ski with Mrs. MS & a mutual friend this past summer, but it never worked out.  Hopefully next summer...  My husband owes me some time with 'the girls' since he bailed on me to ride his Harley to Sturgis this past summer.

  5. When I was learning to ski the course, I put my binding forward of the recommended setting.  That might help her stay more centered over the ski.  Us girls usually have a little more 'junk in the trunk' than men, and because of the lower center of gravity, tend to ride the ski more tail-heavy than men.  But I also agree with the others that working on drills & keeping her hips up in a more centered position would help a lot.
  6. Go for the Z7 ST - 'girls' love them.  I switched from a Nomad RC to the Z7 ST this summer.  The Z7 ST allows early edge change & good cast out even at slower speeds.  The turns are very predictable & stable.  On of my friends said she didn't think she could take a nasty fall on the ski (but I have...).

  7. Spending a month in Frisco, CO from mid-Jan thru mid-Feb.  Will ski mainly at Vail & Breckenridge.  Will also get another 2-3 week trip planned later in the season, possibly at Heavenly.  Gotta ski Vail's resorts, can't beat the price of the Epic Pass.  Let it snow***Let it snow***Let it snow***
  8. I went from a 67" RC to A 66" Z7ST at the beginning of the year.  Pretty much the same opinion as Shortenit.  I thought it was more stable than the RC, tighter turns, less effort.  It also makes an awsome offside turn that I didn't have on the RC.  The earlier the edge change the better it skis.
  9. Skibrain - MN really!  Too cold in summer, 350' of vertica just doesn't cut it.  I'm looking for 3000'+ 

    But where did Lindsey go when she got serious??  Can't downhill in MN.


    Mrs MS, should we be neighbors in Utah?  Lot for sale... Dream Lake Estates, Cambridge, IA!!  Kelly will have to come to Utah to ski with us!
    Oh, I forgot the money pit... 2 br condo for sale...Clear Lake IA

  10. Looks like we will spend our days off the snow this winter looking at waterski sites in CO, UT, & CA. 
    I think Colorado would be our 1st choice, but most of the lakes are on the front range, that would mean hanging in that parking lot called I70 some winter mornings.  We think the mountain lakes would have too short of a season, or too much time in dry/neo...  Maybe permnant residence in mountains, drive to front range to waterski?  From what I've seen, most of the lakes are on a membership basis.  Is that right?  Is it hard to get a membership? 
    Utah would be the most convenient + best snow.  Any options near Ogden?  Besides skiing with Dave Goode...  Snowbasin is one of our favorites, got tired of the crowds in Little Cottonwood.  
    California has the most waterski options + longer season + great snow skiing at Tahoe.     

  11. OK, we need to make a decision about where we are going to live.  We are both addicted to snow & water skiing, and would like to live somewhere that we could do both without taking 12 hours to reach the mountains. 

    Currently we are living in the midwest, and own a lot on private waterski lake 30 minutes away.  We could build on the lake & continue driving to the mountains each winter for several months.  But want to check out other options before building a house that could be hard to sell.  We’ve had such a crappy summer, a longer season would also be nice.

    We are interested in Colorado, Utah, or NorCal.  What are the options in these states for private waterski lakes?  Purchase property  or memberships?  How long is your season?  Water temps?  Etc…

    Our other thought is to move south a ways to get a longer season - possibly Arkansas.  Anyone know what the ski scene is like in Arkansas?

    Thanks in advance,

  12. You'll love your Z7.  I went from a Nomad RC to the Z7 ST this year.  It is the most comfortable ski I have ever been on.  When you're skiing good it is great, when you're skiing bad (like yesterday) it doesn't punish you.  The offside turns are  awsome and will turn no matter what horrible position your body is in.  One of my friends got last year's Z7, we were talking & don't think you can take a nasty crash on the ski.
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