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Everything posted by Marco

  1. Soda Lakes is a pay per ski ride lake on the west side of Denver about 5 miles South of the I70/C470 interchange. It would be a good short term solution until you got to know the local tournament scene and met other skiers to see what is available. I know the Denver area has many good ski lakes, I just don't know the particulars.
  2. You'll miss a lot of good stuff if your browser takes you directly to the forum!
  3. Chef and dave- Get an EZ fin tool. Makes the DFT 100% repeatable.
  4. Ed- If you get the chance, drive the 200. You'll be blown away with the tracking.Â
  5. I'll tweak my fin only as long as it takes to get the ski dialed in for my skiing. Once I get it where I like it, I typically leave it from there on out unless I'm looking for a particular performance change. I don't change settings for water temps (we never get past 80 +/-). If only I could change my brain settings, I might see improvement.
  6. I would be fine if old was just a state of mind. I'd be young forever. Unfortunately, it is also a state of the body...just doesn't heal like it used to.
  7. The test buoys I painted were done in my garage. The problem with the new Overtons buoys is they were completly faded within a month, so even with our abrieviated Colorado season, we would need to change them 6 times if we wanted them to stay bright. Anyone heard any feedback how the Goode buoys hold up, both structurally and color wise?
  8. We have green polyform 55's that have lasted 4 years. If the orange lasts for only 1 year that would be 50 weeks longer than the Overton's buoys we put in this year. They got so faded after a few weeks, they are hard to see in the slightest amount of glare. I tried painting them but the paint faded just as fast. Thanks for working on this Ed!
  9. As long as the color holds, count me in for a new set (orange)Â every season!
  10. Barry's on a roll. He won M4 slalom at regionals as well. What happened to Eric Lee? Saw his jump and slalom scores, but nothing for tricks. Did the "formerly thought to be the # 1 tricker in the world" get injured? Eric???
  11. When I get into a slump, I start to overthink everything, making matters worse. To break the slump, I try to go out and "ski stupid", not focusing on specific technique minuta, but instead on more general things like rythm, tight line, etc. Actually, I do focus on one thing, good gates. A good start can help resolve problems that appear further downcoiurse. High on the boat at the start is the one thought process that brought me out of my latest slump...
  12. Richard- Thanks for posting the pics. It was nice to meet a bunch of the BoS contingent. Didn't see a picture of Jim Brake...he was there too but you must not have crossed paths. See you all in Sac next year???
  13. Stacy beat me to it, but here is my post anyway. Colorado has a lot of options. There are many slalom lakes on the front range around Denver, and the ski areas are only an hour away. There are several lakes in the mountains as well. Kodiak is a half hour from Aspen, and it is currently a memebership lake, but I hear their future status is a little unclear. There is also a lake a half hour from Vail, but I don't know if they are taking new members or have any ownership opportunities. There is also a membership lake in Rifle about an hour and a half from Vail and Aspen. I have a lake in Montrose an hour and 15 minutes from Telluride, but it is private due to county regs. We are talking about creating one more additional lakefront lot for sale (35 acre), but have not made any concrete decisions yet. Colorado season lasts from late April through October, and our water temps only get to about 78 in the middle of summer.
  14. Sorry John, I'm twitterless (old dog, new trick). On the road in 30 minutes to Caldwell via Sweeter Ranch near Vail. Road Trip!!
  15. Richard- Is the offer still open to camp next to you lakeside? I'll be arriving monday night and leaving wednesday afternoon or thursday morning. Not sure what the camping protocols are there...
  16. I guess I was driving the wife crazy...She insisted I get on the road to Idaho. Unless she changes hrer mind, I'm on my way to Vail for a tourney this weekend, then back in the car to Caldwell. Richard-I'll be brining some reinforcements for the beer cooler (unless she changes her mind and takes my keyshttp://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-yell.gif).
  17. Richard- I didn't see you in the seeding report. Assuming you are still going, when do you plan to arrive?
  18. Richard- You're killing me. I'm discussing it with my daughter as we speak...
  19. She was on the fence, then made plans to go visit her boyfriend in Golden that weekend instead. I have been reconsidering my decision all day, and may end up going afterall, and if so, she may join me. I just am not that excited to drive 23 hours round trip when I haven't been skiing much or up to my potential, however. I'll decide by thursday before the late fees kick in.Â
  20. Thanks Jim, and if you ever want to check out Western CO, give me a shout.
  21. I had to cancel. Nagging injuries have kept me from skiing much this summer, and I am just getting back on the water after several weeks recovering from a pulled hammie.Â
  22. The gladiator balls we put in this spring held their color for about a month, and are now completely faded. This weekend I painted a set of our old faded buoys with florescent paint. We'll see if the paint job holds up for more than a month. A $7.95 can of spray paint is a lot better than installing new balls every month or 2.
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