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Everything posted by teammalibu

  1. Shane See you guys there way to go Charles it was fun to watch. I'll hook you up with the best Mexican food in Milwaukee
  2. Looks like they used it to chop down trees
  3. MS Sounds like you are getting a little loose loose. Looking forward to gettin up der to ski wit ya eh.
  4. It was a great benefit for Erics son Landon. Thanks to JD for putting it together. Lots of great skiing from Dawg to a couple folks who entered as there first tourney. I was in the boat for Dawgs 4@41 he was on track to run it. He finally upgraded his binding setup last week and he looks much more consistant. Way to go Dawg and Lil dawg tore it up also with a big PB. starting to look like his oldman out there. It was good to see Jed Blackburn come out of the closet with no water time and run into 39 a couple times. It was great to top it off with a total suprise party for JDs 50th birthday welcome to the club old man.
  5. The plates are .125 thick. I do have a few that are .093 thick
  6. Its always worth the ride over to Lonnies and Cedar Ridge for Movelyn's cobbler. If I was stuck on an island and could have one choice of food that would be it. I would be fat but I would be happy. Canton Ms. Rocks
  7. Give me a call 318-230-1133
  8. Saw the Ball of Hair on the Masters Video he must have stuffed so many BOS tee shirts in his bag that he could'nt fit the razor in. I take a XL John
  9. Chad had the mini ventral in front per the goode drawing and standard goode wing in back at 9 deg. Mike Munn was running the mini v in front and a schnitz speed wing in back.
  10. MS Think I'll mount a Nano to my Ventral after watching CS this weekend
  11. Will be there tomorrow for the tourney I will talk to Lonnie and Bubba what is you eta
  12. Great site, great group, well run tourney, hate to miss it will be there later in the year.
  13. Who's got the best deal on the vice gloves
  14. I make sure to carry enough crap to fix anyone's ski..
  15. Thanks Yall I only drink Tequilla on days ending in Y I must be crazy but for my birthday present to self I think I am going to try a 30 day money back guarantee on a NanoNano
  16. This is just the old Tool and Die maker in me talking but you could build a small progressive die for less than the cost of a Nano. If you had a old press (ebay) you could crank out thousands of vwings a day for less than the cost of a newspaper. Great Idea I am testing one now. Paid 64.50 just ordered another one. Inc shipping sold out till mid May We will do any thing for one more !@#$ bouy!
  17. Dawg Bam is right you got any damage we got crap all over. Damn MS In the past if I saw Horton tweaking your ski when you were not looking I would say something. Not so sure now!
  18. Sitting here dodging tornadoes and decided to read my new water ski rag. Ive been wondering which skis i want to try this year so I read the ski test article. Lw and behold after a month of testing it was determined that if I want to shorten the rope and attack the course with a vengeance the HO S1 would be perfect for me. Man is that deep!
  19. I have been using the Masterlines for about a year. I like them but I wear holes in them after a couple weeks. I called Masterline but they said I was the first to complain about it. If they would use a tougher material on the palm and thumb area they would be great. I just ordered a pair of Radars to see if they hold up better. I used to wear out a pair of Radar locks in a month always in the same spot.
  20. Holy crap bmiller next time you stay over I am going to get a sitter
  21. Wore one on each wrist last year at Cedar Ridge skied like crap I think i was over balanced
  22. Scoke How are you comparing torsional flex.Â
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