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Everything posted by teammalibu

  1. @Razor can you splain the cornhole game again. Sounds like something MS would be good at,
  2. Shane Bam I knew it was all about you! Brad if you have time for BOS why have we been playing phone tag for 3 days. Call Me!!
  3. When you drive for the dawg you better pay attention. He can pull you out of the course on his gate pullout.
  4. Pulled off several straps. Main thing was last year the glove aside from the strap was like tissue paper. The new one are a little thicker. Its a love hate thing. love the way they work but hate going thru 10 pair a year.
  5. Kevin I thought I had a bad nite when I slipped and crashed into the dock off dawgs boat last night. Pretty mild after your story. I will heal in a couple days Hope you heal quick.
  6. Gee Wally they told me I was the only one that can destroy a pair in 4 sets. I keep tearing them up and having JD order some more.
  7. @Wiskier It is about 10 minutes by boat south of Butte Des Mortes They launch in Winneconnie. I will be skiing there wed and thur the 1st and 2nd of August
  8. There is a group tha has a course south of Oshkosh on the upper Fox River I can hook you up with them.
  9. The knueten valve might be out of grafufnick. Much easier to polish the prop while it is spinning! Hope you got a couple of steaks out of that mess!
  10. Scot i swapped mine out about a month ago the only time i feel the strap in when i drop at the end of the lake when i drive the tip into the water. Your comment about saving the achilles makes me happy.
  11. The older releases are prone to break at the welded cross bar seen it happen ugly. Had it happen to me very painfull. The 500 release with the new white top slalom boot works great.
  12. Kelvin the 404 and 500 release has a different dimension from the plate to the top of the heel cleat. I wouldnt mix the two without adjusting that dimension. You should be able to get that info from the reflex site.
  13. I put a small weight like a big fishing sinker on a snap hook to help feed the rope through the shock tube.
  14. @tjm Hey Tom that sure brings back the memories. Say hi to Laurie for me.
  15. She is a great skier. Sure would like to find the SOB that stole her families skis last fall. She would break the junior rope.
  16. See ya there I can get you a spot in a van down by the river!
  17. Its only there to keep your boat from blowing sky high so why take time to flip the switch. Seen it happen up close not pretty.
  18. Pulled Dawg into 41 twice last weekend. I am not a good enough driver to weave . I just take it down the middle and make sure not to hurt she skier by over correcting. Like Jay said drive like you are being filmed.
  19. So sorry to hear of Rons accident. He is such a nice guy ans a great skier. Get well quick Ron you are in our thoughts and prayers. This gets me off the fence on handle guards too many injuries and too many close calls.
  20. Shane I was on the dock when you brought Chase back and so was Chad. Chad says Chase, why did you quit? Chase says, Snake!! Chad says, did he bite ya. Chase says no. Chad says, then why did you quit? In Chases defense he is a tough little @#$& the nite before i saw him take an out the front that would have made me take a couple days off and he put his ski back on and finished the set. By the way we havnt seen the snake since you ran it over last I heard he was realy pissed and headed for Minnesotta!
  21. Got lucky enough to ride one. Ive riden a lot of skis in the last few years. This ski is the real deal. I would drop large for one right now. For more details ask MS he knows Nushing!!
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