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Everything posted by teammalibu

  1. thought I heard a couple yalls in there the south is calling you,
  2. Cedar Ridge Rocks!! Sorry MS.
  3. Just talked to Lonnie and she got 2 1/4 yesterday and a full 3 today.
  4. MS wil buy one he is collecting skis that dont work!!
  5. MS did you get your new ski yet?
  6. MS Tell us about your tour ending with a dream comming true!!! Also the Mid Rocks!!! for now anyway
  7. Shanes girlfriend Leslie seemed very nice and normal. Wont take her long to give Shane the boot! Just kidding Shane had a great time hanging with you guys this weekend. For the record how many people did we have piled on the golf cart on the way home from JDs it all seems a little fuzzy. Thats what happens when you run out of Tequila and switch to beer!
  8. That goode MS is riding is a one of a kind Lonnie Harris Nano Custom and he is not taking it home....
  9. Ms tell the whole story. How was golf!
  10. We are running out of skis for MS to try. It may not be the ski.
  11. Sorry Shane you left before I could give you that autograph. Next time!
  12. @Talen puttin money on you not knowing what you are talking about is the smartest thing you have said.
  13. @bmiller3536 Got your fav spot in front of the fireplace ready for ya.
  14. Most handles do that if you idle back to the skier. If your anal like me you unwrap it each time. Some skiers dont seem to mind 25 twists in the rope but it drives me nuts.
  15. Horton did they soften the S2 up some since last fall. I saw one of Badals skis that had a 1 inch groove about 1/8 inch deep down the top of the ski from the fin box all the way to in front of the front boot to soften it up. Heard alot of talk about them being too stiff.
  16. Looked at a pile last nite for a couple friends most are sold,
  17. Ballers please remove your sold items from Ski It Again makes it easier to shop!!
  18. MS. promise me you are watching women in bikinis!!
  19. Kevin at 36mph you should try the 68 Fusion. Hows the new boat been kinda quiet around here this week
  20. I am 185# and the 66 felt much better to me. MS hows the Fusion work in slush?
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