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Posts posted by JAS

  1. She is 20 feet past ball one when finishing turn 1. The geometry this creates makes pass much harder for any skier, any speed, any line length. Have her ski the faster speed with a no gate start and practice staying on time. A good chance she will amazed how easy ball two is because she will be so early. Do this until finishing turns at the balls for entire pass. Now add gate and dial that in. She will have confidence running pass and able to put all focus on good start.
  2. Christine’s did a great job on my skins for SN. Like @thager said mine were UV out, soiled and worn. (Carpet even more). Color match was close but not the same. Done as package looked new. Looking for one off piece to match old would be tough. Custom job, custom shop. Great work sourcing matching materials. Can you share manufacturers and colors for the rest of us?
  3. Thanks guys for all the good stuff, so many solid tips. Thread is a short read, but coming from many different voices helps make more like coaching instead of nit picking.

    Exactly what I was looking for. :)

  4. I have several new boat drivers in training. After doing it so long has become a bit second nature to me. Wondering how BOS skiers have explained to their drivers what to do. Will be open water, no course, Stargazer, Thanks
  5. As crazy as it may sound I think every ski school would benefit from having a big swing. As kids we jumped on and figured out efficiencies to go higher. Learning to straighten arms and kick legs was part of it, but more important were timing and fluidity. Jacking too hard or too soon to that perfect position just bent the chain and limited progress.


    Water skiing is a bit the same. Sometimes you see a good static body position, but because of over leaning or over turning, acceleration is like a Semi Truck. After finding solid body positions skiers need to develop efficiencies for speed and "on time" turns. These efficiencies are hard to teach, especially since "less is often more". Free skiing with primary focus on speed sure helped me.




  6. Skied with Chris 10 years ago and these were his main speaking points back then. I totally was the arm flexing, jaw clenching, gasping, and rope pulling guy he was talking about. In many sports you simply work harder to perform better. Not waterskiing. Rossi figured it out a long time ago. One of best coaches ever. A very fun review.
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