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Posts posted by rawly

  1. 14 hours ago, Kelvin said:

    @Horton Any advice on RV Parks

    RV parking on site along the lake. Sign up now if you want one of these sights with the shade. This place is pretty brutal in the summer if you’re not on the water and have no shade. Several Ballers at Ski West and surrounding lakes , so shouldn’t be tough to find a good parking spot somewhere if RV parking is full. 

  2. Guess he’s  off the wagon. Wasn’t he in a 12 step program to deal with his used boat buying addiction ? Guess you’re not done till you’re done  , you gotta hit rock bottom. Hopefully he survives this relapse . Good luck Ron , gonna be tough with Ballers all around the country willing to check boats out for you. 🤣

    • Like 2
  3. Who won ? Where’s its new home ? The dinged eleeski reminded me of an Arvin tournament years ago when my wife told me “ that guy that looks like Richard Gere must of not skied well , he just threw his ski “ 🤣.  

    • Haha 2
  4. First the nudists , now the NFL ? A defensive player for the Rams had his arm out to his side as he side steps in that direction to make the tackle. Announcer -   “ look at Houcht , he’s just putting his hand in , waterskiing down the line “.  And a few plays later Kupp is held pretty badly and is towing the Giant player who is “ waterskiing behind him “ . Whose next ? That’s one way to get waterskiing on tv. Horton may have to interview Mark Sanchez or whoever made those calls. 

    • Haha 1
  5. Sorry Kim , but you better have a bus load of pandas waiting for you at home tonight. Unless of course , your co worker is Italian and doesn’t speak English. 🤣 This came from the epicenter of online waterskiing , your husband does this all day long.
        Actually it does show the sport pretty well and a non skier won’t know crap about hips forward and the evolution of ski gear. It was a more kick back atmosphere back then for sure. 

  6. You do realize that celebrating your birthday in December on a waterski site could effect the size of the party 🤷‍♂️ You could have easily told us this back in July , we wouldn’t have known the difference 🤣. Back when I was working , I occasionally got jealous of that guy next door that worked from the lake and skied his brains out. Now that you are in Hollister , it wouldn’t be as bad on me 🤣. Congratulations on your success with your site , and thanks for providing a place for a bunch of ski bums to hang out and share information. 

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  7. If the R&D money could be used to eliminate the wake rather than enhancing it , we may have a better chance 🤷‍♂️ I know it can’t be eliminated , but more research could help the wake at the 15 off length.  Even the new Mastercraft has a wake that will disturb a newbie that just wants to fluidly link a set of turns. Progression from beginner to expert would be quicker if that pesky wake wasn’t in the equation. So many of us learned bad habits just to deal with that curb that was between our turns. The better you get , the more fun it becomes. Make it easier for the masses to advance and they might like it 🤷‍♂️  

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  8. Pretty sure DW would know that the thumbs down means I am bummed out for him , the fallen skier Mateo and all of his friends and family. Other sites have  a sad  response for stuff like this. Thumbs down is as close as I could get. 

  9. I am considering a mechanical release as well. I’ve been on vapors for over 10 years with good success and at the end of this season I switched to the Vapor Carbitex. One of the differences between the boots is that the boa laces are about 3/4” further towards the cuff  than the previous versions. This puts the top lace going across where your foot  meets your leg. Not sure if this is the reason , but my foot only came half way out when I blew the tail out in the turn and I sprained an ankle. I run my bottom laces tight and the top has release room. I only want to come out on bad crashes which I get a few times a year when I hold on in bad situations. All I’m afraid of is the dreaded pre release. Waterskiing is different from other action sports in the sense that you have no say in a bad crash. It happens soooooo fast. 

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