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Everything posted by Steven_Haines

  1. I don't think that I could ever give-up beer, but I have given it up for now. I've experienced being lighter and it's effects on my skiing. So... I am currently in the middle of a serious weight loss program in hopes that I can beat my practice and tournament PB. I'm shooting for low 180's, currently around 192, last January 230. So I'm on my way!
  2. http://fluid-motion-sports-2.myshopify.com/collections/parts/products/fm-b2-handle-guards
  3. Too bad a guy can't buy a "Bruce Noose Eliminator" any longer!
  4. Reset my bodies natural "go to" weight, but by ski season be to 185 and then best my PB from 2007
  5. Ha ha @Dougski ya that was me. But it seems to me that you're the clown still wearing one! d-)
  6. 95 Response, the boat has 1650 hours on it, the motor an tranny have 1250. This boat was originally a 260 horse Merc carby boat that had vapor lock issues. So at 400 hours Merc sent out a new 300 horse fuel injected motor with tranny and it's worked fine since! I've owned it since it had around 500 hours but I skied behind it every weekend since it was new. Recently reupholstered. Got a screaming deal, factory job from the guy who probably originally did it back in 95. Just upgraded to Z-Box, real happy with that! Just need a little time to fine tune the system. But otherwise, it pulls like a horse!
  7. we did that a hundred years ago! although it was a lot more crude! we did the same thing with it. we used 6 inch tongue and groove siding with dowels screwed in between them. like a biplane wing. we weren't able to do to spins like those guys but could go up and down in the water. it was a lot of fun!
  8. Sad news! It rips your heart out when it finally happens! you know it's coming but it doesn't make it any easier! I had a giant schnauzer that lasted 17 years and the day he left us was the saddest day of my life!
  9. PlusI'm only talking about doing that for the pros. I don't think any Schmoe like myself would gain much if anything from it!
  10. Id like see what would happen if they evened the playing field by adjusting handles to the point that everyone was the same height (essentially) It would be interesting to see where someone like Terry Winter would place?
  11. The only way I can log in is through the google icon, then proceed to the site log in and then all is well!
  12. 10-15# lighter, better shape/stronger, new Eagle vest (ordered) some kind of video mount, Mikro-just. Hmmmmm what else???
  13. Anyone have one they'd like to sell?
  14. His transport guy ( Greg, another Montanan) is at Galeys now telling Doug how beat the boat is and that he should have bought his! Jokingly that is! Ha ha
  15. So far I've lost 30 lbs going Paleo with out exercise. Hoping to drop 10 more by mid February. That's GOTTA help my buoy count!
  16. Skied today, 63 water and mid 70's. The water is getting slower though! Moved the bindings back a smidge and things got better. I think I'm done though after today
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