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Everything posted by ForrestGump

  1. Having a qualifier at Cottonwood would be awesome! Some records could go down there! JD, I'd volunteer to come out and help in the prep and at the tournament.
  2. Clive, I'm just glad to hear it wasn't a complete rupture or fracture from the heel. The last person I know who had this same injury was off the water for 6 months. 8 weeks in a cast, though seems long. One of my ski partners had a complete rupture of her achiles 3 weeks ago with surgery to repair two weeks ago. She's only in a hard cast for 4 weeks, then a boot for 4-6 weeks they are telling her, then a LOT of PT. We expect her to be off the water for between 6 and 9 months. One thing to keep in mind is that an achiles injury like you have is followed by the opposite leg having the same/similar injury within a year in a lot of cases. Think about it, you're on crutches for months and your other leg is bearing the brunt of your body weight. Scot Jones on here is a physical therapist. He'd be a good one to ping for ideas on the rehab and convalescent time.
  3. I knew when that picture was being shown on JD's big screen LCD hanging over the mantle, and being blown up so MS's hand was the size of the screen, that there was going to be no good to come of it. LOL. It sure as HELL was funny, though!
  4. Owwww! Who needs enemy's when you have your friends. lol
  5. Has anyone heard from MS or Mrs MS? Did they make it back to Southern Canada? Has he needed a leg amputation yet?
  6. Yes, we let Horton have a pass because we feel sorry for him. And it is his site, I guess. There's no reason to feel intimidated by this forum. These guys are all great. We're here to learn and support skiing. There was a small BOS gathering at JD's place near Shreveport this past weekend. There were about 8-10 BOS members and their SO's there. Some drove 1000 miles to get there. Some drove 300 miles. Some woke up and walked outside and they were present. LOL It was great getting to put faces to names I've chatted with on these and other forums for the last year or so. I am at the bottom of the rung when comparing ski skill to the others in attendance. None of the group acts like they're better than anyone else, though. You gotta be able to take a fair amount of punishment, because there is plenty to go around! Just look at the photo posted of MS in the WTH is he doing thread. lol I'm fairly positive I'm not marrying or moving in with any of the other BOS hoodlums, though, Horton.
  7. I see a definite lack of ballofspray decals there, too. As good as the 39 was that got him into the 41 off pass on Saturday, the one he ran on Friday afternoon smoked it. He made it look like 35 off. Unfortunately, MIke and I had to get on the road and missed seeing him run 2 at 41 off yesterday afternoon.
  8. I think he was trolling for gators with his "bait".
  9. Joe, The tournament was awesome!!! Mike and I had a blast. Nothing like stepping out of the truck this morning, thinking "I coulda had 5 fewer beers last night", then strapping on a ski and going for a ride. Thanks for having us!
  10. What's the weather like at JD's now? It's sucking here in Houston. I might have to make MS wash my truck once I get there.
  11. I'd be interested in hearing about the Es too, Marc. Since my rs1 liners are shot, I'd been toying with the idea of ordering some Es or Zs.
  12. It's too bad we couldn't get JTH to JD's this weekend to run the slalom course on his trick ski while wearing his bumblebee suit from the college picture that Dave posted. Or go over over the jump in it. Bring new meaning to "ski fly".
  13. MS, you want me to bring you cash instead of a check so you have something to back your bets with?
  14. Please Marc........I did not break up with Wanda. History shows that the hot chicks only keep me for a relatively short time before I find a way to piss em off. The one I really miss is the rich Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader from 3 years back. Oh man, life would be a bit different if I'd have married that one like I should have! lol
  15. Mark, I want to know why you laid off of skiing all summer, damnit!  I wonder if there's any chance we could feed MS a few more cervezas this weekend and have him do this on the CR7?
  16. Oh, tournaments.........I say the thread title and instantly my mind thought........... "How many hot chicks.................." Sorry, my bad.
  17. Now I understand the reason for the "turn n burn"...........so the festivities can start early!
  18. Scot, I'm going to compare mine to yours too this weekend. With mine I'm at .785 but with Marc's slot caliper I'm at .805 or so.
  19. My ski partner has been on a 65.5 since the week before nationals. He's at 6.840, 2.510, and .765 with wing at 9 degrees and binding at 29 1/8. He's 6' 160lbs and cleans 38 pretty regularly on it. Which is something he hadn't been doing on his previous ski. The one thing about this ski that gets me is that if I reach the apex and have my hips dropped any, I'm going to get crushed when the ski hooks up. It just builds too much angle to be able to handle that. As long as my hips are up, all is good. The Senate C didn't punish me for poor body position like that. On my 67 I've gone back to the original recommended setting of 6.850, 2.50, and .785. At my level(mid 32 on a good day), this seems to be the best setting I've tried.
  20. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I had a GII rupture of my rhomboid major last August while skiing(lff, 5 ball at 28 was tired and took a hit I should've let go) I took 6 weeks off after the injury and then 3 months off over the winter and I feel as if I really probably needed 6 months off from skiing. Or more. I was really suprised at how long those upper back muscles take to heal. It doesn't stop me from doing anything. But I feel that spot every day and it's been over 13 months.  Eric, Being that you're an ortho, does having an injury like this change your perspective on your treatment of your patients? Just curious.
  21. Kelvin's got it. I completely agree with that.
  22. Chef, I believe that everyone but Goode measures running length. Goode(who of course also makes snow skis) measures cord length. Stone88, one thing I've found is that width and shape of the ski changes your perspective on length. Even when two skis are side by side. Example......my 67 Elite next to my 67 Senate C. You would swear that the SC is longer. But the tale of the tape measure doesn't lie, and they are almost identical.
  23. I think we all need new pbs in two weeks!
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