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Everything posted by ForrestGump

  1. Wow, Joe....that's awesome! Congratulations!
  2. We'll have to talk about my commission later. hehehehe
  3. He's bringing it to me in two weeks. Clemson Dave's is still out there and it's very nice.
  4. Interesting, Scot. I wax the top of mine, otherwise it shows waterspots from our dirty ass water. Jodi Fisher actually commented on my Elite when he saw it for the first time a while back. Said it was interesting that the bottom was as smooth as it was. He said they did the fisher skis with a microtexture built into the mold bottom(they media blasted it apparently) to break the water's surface tension and promote less drag.
  5. Scot, should I send you a picture of my girl which just got a nice wax job to her top?
  6. Eric, I wonder if the 3 blade acme 470 would help with the trick table on the TSC3 196. I know it softened the slalom wake as compared to the stock acme 4 blade. My perception is that it reduced the turbulence inside the crests.
  7. This is the hottest, dryest I remember it in Houston. We got rain in mid may, then we didn't get a drop for 60 days. Thankfully, we have a 2nd lake that's about 1/4 dug. So we brought out the 6" diesel pump to pump it out and managed to raise our lake 10" in order to have our last tournament last weekend. We've already dropped 2" since last Saturday.
  8. That is crazy. I talked to Marc Austin on Friday and he was telling me about the carp. I hate to see that, especially for such a nice group of homeowners. I'm still very much appreciative of Aquaplex for allowing me to stay in the clubhouse for a week when we were run out of Houston due to no power after Hurricane Ike. It sure did ski nice that week!
  9. That is no lie, MS! We have one at our lake and although that thing has a sweet slalom wake, it'll seperate the girly men drivers from the real drivers very quickly. lol
  10. I have been told from the very beginning that you should run the boat smoothly up to full throttle. That ZO can only control up to the amount of throttle that you leave it at. So if you ran it up to 50% throttle, even though it was engaged, 50% throttle is the max that ZO could command. Now, I've never stopped adding throttle and then pushed it forward so I can't comment on what happens if you do.
  11. You won't know until you try it and others.
  12. I'm not fooled by the hype. Parrish has been flirting with the record this summer. He had run 1 at 43 and 1/2 at 43 in July on the Elite in a tournament. He was going to tie or break his own record no matter what he was riding. It's going to be interesting to see if he breaks his 9900s. Because there sure are a lot of em breaking. And he's not a lightweight, low impact skier.
  13. Who bought your CR7 in texas? Cause there was a guy at our tournament last week on one. Hadn't seen one in years!
  14. Make fun, MS. But the water temps still 85 degrees here and the girls are still in shorts and bikinis. We win.
  15. Nah, it's just that there is a point in the travel that hurts under load. that little bit of a heel lift keeps me out of that point.
  16. hell, I can't help but laugh every time I see a picture of him in his gawgles. I'd probably fall off the dock and break my ankle if I saw it in person!
  17. I have a rear 3/8 heal lift. It puts my back knee at a bend angle that keeps it from becomming irritated.
  18. There's something wrong about taking your jacket OFF to put on your ski. No wonder MS spends almost every weekend down here in the south now!
  19. I'm of the opinion that any thing below 80 degrees is winter.
  20. "I saw Hanna over the weekend " My first thought was that you saw Hanna Montana. Then I realized it was a different person.
  21. Who needs enemys when you have dsmart, right Horton?
  22. To hell with the jumpers.........WHAT THE F&CK WERE YOU DOING DRESSED AS A BUMBLEBEE?!?!?!?
  23. Hell, I'm always out of loop, John! My RS1 liners are on their last legs and Radar doesn't have any more until the 2010's are out. I had been considering ordering a set of the E series.
  24. Damnit, I want to try those Elites. How have we let Adam be a member here and not tell us about these. Horton, I expect that you will administer the lashings promptly.
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