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Posts posted by rq0013

  1. As the water cools off here in WI I need to start shopping for a new wetsuit. My fiance has an O'neill epic 3/2 now, but needs a smaller size. How warm are these 2mm camaros compared to an O'neill 3/2 wetuit. This would be for temperatures between 60-45. I would love to try a camaro but being thin and not knowing much about them, I dont know if I want to take the chance.
  2. Didnt Radar learn about this twist with the 2012 and 2013 stradas?? The 2012 strada, they made the ski torsionally stiffer to resist the twist, they later found out it put too many people on the back of the ski and wasnt the answer. The 13 orange strada was just the opposite, allowing the ski to torsionally flex more, but "controlling" it. Thats why the 13 strada was the best I think, it turned in better and came back to center easier. Mapple took it to another level
  3. I think Nate will have some competition this year because he hasn't been skiing as much. This might be parish's open, he hasn't done well here lately but I think he makes the top 4 cut. Freddie winter and Kc will be contenders for sure this year. As always I gotta root for the Wilson bros!! I'm hoping to see karina ski well and make the final.
  4. The Malibu txi and lxi both have a lot of wasted space on the sides with a storage gunnel that you cant really use for skis. I wish they would remove the metal trim and cross bar from the side storage and keep in carpet like a 197 is. Our skis fit great in that even. Maybe they will rework the inside of the txi in the next few years while keeping the txi hull
  5. Im thinking of putting a wally sinker in. How far have people put the course from the air fill up hose end. I was wondering if its possible to put my course out in the middle of the lake where its deeper and run the hose back to my dock (400-500ft distance). Is this too far away? Would I need to move the course closer. How do others do it?
  6. I've skied both. I prefer rossi's settings. I feel the ski is more stable and turns just fine. Brooks set me up with those settings and actually moved my rear binding forward from where I had it. I pb'd that day and tied it again the next. I set it and forget it.
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