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Everything posted by Andre

  1. Check battery conections.
  2. Curious to know how many ordered in the last 24 hrs ...
  3. What tournament was that? Where can i see complete results? Great skiing!
  4. I was in Orlando lately for a week.I must have seen at least 40 peoples ski during that week including around 16 pro skiers.Only 2 peoples used a handle guard including me and no pros was using one. The new bigger loop at the end of today's ropes make swapping handles with guards easy. But i saw many spray leg sleeves... ;)
  5. I think that boat pretty much stayed the same. Just skied one at Lapoint's site,very very nice wake!
  6. @schafer Yes.it s almost in my backyard! Will you?
  7. @bassfooter Eastern Townships,Quebec. Tomorrow will be latest for iceout since i've been living on the lake,21 years. I miss Orlando... :(
  8. Looks like i'll have to wait for May swerve... More white shit!
  9. Yep! Can't afford a ZO boat. Perfect Pass rocks! :)
  10. 52 water in board shorts? Major schrinkage! New site looks great! Congrats!
  11. Here's some pix of my ski after my 2015 ski vacation in Orlando! Wish i could afford a new one so i could hang this one over the fireplace. Since i gotta ski it this summer,i was thinking of shooting Krylon's clear over the top...? Clockwise from left: Jonathan Travers Natalia Berdnikova Bojan Shipner (Was in the boat for his practice set! WOW!) Nicole Arthur Marion Matthieu Rhoni Barton Bishoff Tom Brentley (upside down) John Wilkins aka lpskier .Our coach and driver for the week! Jennifer Leachmann Ricky McCormicks Kris Lapoint! (I was in the boat for his 39 off and 4 tries at 41! WOW!) Jon McClintock Scott Ellis Andy Mapple Corey Vaughn Chris Parrish and.....drum roll... The Krista!!!
  12. This thread is worthless without pics!!! There,i said it! :)
  13. The hardest part was finding footers with 20 toes each! ;)
  14. @lpskier So you'll be designated driver next week? How much would it cost in beer so that Scott don't run his 32 off ?
  15. Cool! Since i'm not a teacher but have plenty of old handles,any ideas on what to do with them?
  16. -2 farhenheit this morning with still 24 inches of ice. Won't be an early ski season here... :(
  17. No import fees or customs fees when you import a USA made boat or anything else made in USA to Canada. Only federal and provincial (depending on which) taxes. Free trade agreement.
  18. Going to Andy's site on April 10-17. Any good, cheap and clean places to stay nearby? Will rent a car but still need to be close. Thanks!
  19. @Glock Beautiful looking site! Looks like great wind protection!
  20. Very clean boat for the hours! http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=31194
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