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Everything posted by Andre

  1. Seem to remember Parrish doing it behind a MC not long ago while being a Malibu skier... ICBW.
  2. Not sure how he managed to run 41 after his terrible 2 ball...
  3. Don t know many athletes that will pass on a chance to break a world record. Even less for a 10k bonus. I highly doubt that the CC president would call for anything else then to congrats him. Nate would sign a contract with MC or Malibu in the next minute...
  4. Andre

    41 X 3

    Damn,that boy is amazing!
  5. Todd Are they the blue and gray or only gray and black style Had 3 seasons of 150 sets on a blue pair. Now with the newer gray ones,it s 2 pairs for a season. The kevlar is definitely not as good as before...
  6. Anyone else notice that he almost felled at first ball 32 off in Atlanta...
  7. Did the same thing last summer when i had 6 stitches on the side of my big toe and couldn t kick my foot in.My error was not leaving the heel piece and the liner was sliding out when coming out due to drag. I left the first buckle where it was near the toes and lowered the second one.While testing on dock,coming out of it was as easy as my regular RTP.It was very comfortable! Other then the liner not staying totally in on getting up,i liked it a lot! On my next try,i will leave the heel piece in place but will cut the cuff like a shoe,lower then your. Having no buckles at all to tighten the toes doesnt appeal to me... Congrats and keep improoving it!
  8. Skied 43 sets in the last 32 days.2 days only without skiing during that time.Summer's short! No major injuries,knock on wood.A new guy who jumped in the early morning rotation lasted 10 days before back problems.
  9. http://www.lespac.com/vehicules/marins/st-laurent/d-correct-craft-ski-nautique-196-2009-LPaZZ25594708WWcpZZ177WWgrZZ12 This one is in Canada... Don't know where you're located.
  10. What kind of arm-pvc pipe are you using? If it's sagging that much,your flotation isn't right for sure.Not knowing how you made your home version of the diamond shape-boat guide-arms assembly,it's difficult to help you. -More flotations along the lenght of the arm at the right places. -No.All measurements (at least with my instructions that came with the best system in the world,E-Z-Slalom,you're Welcome Ed!) calls for the right measurements for the arms. I'm sure Ed will chime in with more ideas! Good luck!
  11. Been reading recently about having shoulders facing downcourse all the way through the pass. Does that include during the pre turn and turn itself? Isn't counter rotation at ball 1 closing your shoulder toward the shore? How about right after going through the gate,should my shoulders continue to be facing downcourse or should my upper body turn toward the shore? Running my 32 off without scraping too much is my goal and all that technical stuff is happening too fast for my brain to process while skiing! Seems that i am one of those person with brain freeze problems as soon as the pre gates are in sight...
  12. Nice skiing!Wish i would improve as much...Still can't run 35 5 years after running 32 for the first time... How does that scoring system work? (How do you translate 4@35 in total bouys?) Congrats!Skiing at Okeeheelee must be fun!!!
  13. Have him test drive a direct drive ski boat at 34-36 mph. Maybe the driving sensation will get to him. No way can anyone ski seriously behind a wakeboat! Good luck!
  14. OK.All the trailing and leading arms comments may be confusing to some (me). When going through the gate,the leading arm and back arm are the same:right arm ...right? Almost as confusing as Horton toe-heel side turns...:)
  15. Ed Is cupper crimps still the best? We had a couples of them that broke due to corrosion.The course has been in the water for 5 years now and sitting in mud at the bottom in winter. I temporairly replaced with aluminum ones but just got my 17'' crimpers pliers and 100 cupper crimps that are a bit shorter then yours. Beside the corroded crimps,the course is still looking great in it's 6 th season!!! Great product!
  16. OK,i'll ask. What's your budget?
  17. Bit of a threadjack...Anyone using front Strada and rtp ? Would it be similar to front Reflex and rtp but lot less $$ and maintenance i think? Really need to upgrade my old front KD Vise...
  18. "20 passes at 32-35..." Wow!!! Gotta try this way of doing it!
  19. 47 in July.Lost my King of the lake crown to a 30 years old who ski at 34 mph 2 years ago.Hoping to run 35 to kick his @ss...and Brent's one too! First time this site let me post since the new format...Don't know why it's working today!Still using IE.
  20. Boomer said" I won a 08 Mastercraft..." Care to elaborate on that?
  21. Works great on my Commodore 64! Nice job John!
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