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Everything posted by matthewbrown

  1. Epic, the dude was full of endless talent....
  2. menasci, you should of worn your drysuit, shades of 97 collegiate nats, nothing but smoothe edge changes in that bad boy
  3. Toss up between he and Mapple but gotta give edge to 37 year old
  4. @Jody_Seal sorry didn't mean to pound the subject into submission. However, something that has not been discussed at all was the complete difference in skiing conditions between when Freddy skied and when Nate skied. The wind appeared to have died down considerably for Nate. I'm wondering that if Freddy would of had the same conditions as Nate, would he even of had an issue at 39? Or who knows, maybe he would of relaxed and fallen early, nature of the sport.
  5. @webbdawg99 I agree with you that in this particular case, this is probably what should of happened. However, doing it that way still leaves doubt in the mind of Freddy. He knows now that there is a slight chance his score could be changed. Whereas, if the call was made decisively with no doubts he could continue on his merry way, skiing like a possessed animal completely in the zone. At an event like this, you would think that the organizers would know the psyche of a skier and make sure that it is catered to properly. Perhaps next year they will find a way to be better prepared.
  6. The original call should have been completely finalized before @FWinter ever started his 41 off pass. Once he was allowed to enter the course at 41, the video from the boat that could not CLEARLY confirm or deny his score at 39 should of been a thing of the past. You can't do that to an athlete, that has been training his entire life for that one moment, just pull the rug right out from underneath him. And in Nate's case, the onus is on the event organizers to have their shit together enough to at least give that athlete the courtesy of clearly knowing where he stands and what he needs to do. It all boils down to this, when if ever will it be more about the athletes, and less about the people who put on the show?
  7. Fred definitely had more wind, but Nate was crushing it and obviously thought he had won. The inability to get scores correct in a timely fashion is absolutely perplexing.
  8. just eat less and pull harder
  9. @horton you are making way too much sense on this topic, unfortunately I'm afraid your buoy count will now start to suffer from having too much grey matter involvement....the more you know, the worse you ski....the more you feel, the better you ski...eat a couple of Bako mushrooms and chew on that
  10. @horton ...you deserve two panda's and perhaps even a rhinoceros
  11. @shaneh what you lacked in buoy count, was nicely made up with beer count
  12. @bruce_butterfield at least @horton has cool goggles
  13. @skijay agreed with the over generalization statement i made about not being able to tell anything from a snapshot, however as @chrisrossi was saying earlier, sometimes the photo is from centerline and sometimes it's from passenger side so viewpoint is tough. That being said, @Bruce_butterfield I will argue with you that terry winter is not in the best of position. He has too much load and his hips are back. He's going to come too hard to the inside through the edge change and lose valuable angle. Wont hurt him at 38 but wont get him anywhere at 41. This is something he has gotten much better at over the last few years since this video was taken, hence the consistent mid to deep 41 scores. What I will agree on with Bruce is that Horton has too much load and strain on the right shoulder. Hips need to be higher and mass more forward, aka the Nate Smith photos.
  14. yeah you can't tell anything really from a snapshot. need to see the movement in slow mo....and, the two examples of terry and parrish are not what you want to be doing...just because they are pros does not mean every still frame example of them will be exemplary.
  15. I think one of Smacker's giant feet has Dr. John pinned to the ground.
  16. damn that's awesome....I'm going to have to start wieseling in on some of that action, especially when coach comes home to cali to visit...Parrish is going to get an earful from me
  17. @OB coach Carroll? Was he out at the lake? That's way more exciting than 2.5@43
  18. lose your thermometer and quit thinking so much
  19. @skinut ...you gotta go ski with someone who can throw a really good eye ball on you, then you will here the correct specifics. @jimbrake I don't know, I think anytime you try to force a movement you only get in trouble. as the line got shorter, the movement to the front of the ski was less apparent....on the 32 he was just so damn early that he was doing pretty much whatever he wanted
  20. @Razorskier1‌ I think that tight core like you were talking about is key to the offside turn and cut especially.
  21. @skinut everyone is different as far as what the key words are to get the job done...sometimes just thinking about the correct end result will let you athletically figure out how to get there. the correct end result is to not let the ski slip out in front of you at the finish of the turn and to stay inside the turning arc with your body for as long as possible...look at this pass from Terry Winter, the ski never gets ahead of his body until the second wake when the acceleration phase is done. if you look at the video that started this thread, you can see that the ski is ahead of his body after each turn which is causing some problems
  22. @Bruce_Butterfield‌ is spot on. while everyone else has focused on the handle separation in the preturn, bruce has addressed the root cause of this handle separation. i would even take it one step further and say that the problem starts at the finish of the 1,3,5 turns....when you are finishing your 1,3,5 turn, your hips begin to drop back, the only way to keep them over your knees and feet is to transfer your mass forward with more front foot pressure at the backside of the buoy. if you wait to try to move your hips forward behind the boat it will be too late. by staying ahead of the ski out of the turn with your mass you will get more of the ski in the water, create more acceleration and angle thereby giving you a better path into 2,4 which will eliminate your slack. i would keep videoing your sets and watch Rossi's and try to copy his body position out of 1,3,5. you can even see with Rossi, as the line gets shorter, he does a better job of staying on top of the ski out of 1,3,5
  23. If I'm looking at these correctly, I assume to change the rope you have to lift the apparatus completely off and then put back on once the change is made?
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