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Everything posted by MattP

  1. I think you should be fine on the 66... but ill ask anyway what are you using the ski for? Course or free skiing? What speed/lengths? I take it the ski is for a younger kid or woman.
  2. Scot- in the rare chance you release from both do your RS-1's float with the plate?
  3. From the Urban Dictionary Baller: Etymology: A thug that has "made it" to the big time. Originally refered ball players that made it out of the streets to make millions as a pro ball player, but now is used to describe any "thug" who is living large doing any specified action. Baller = Good Choice
  4. Not a stupid question I have asked it before. I am told it has to do with the different hole sizes, counts, and locations releases some of the pressure of the turn. Check out this "older" post http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=1481&page=1#Item_10
  5. expensive.... yes but I feel if you want skiers to be gunning for an extra buoy they would not go for normally but are willing to do it because they know it is safe to do so.
  6. I slalom with a Silvretta system from Reflex and I have never had a problem with my shin getting gashed by the hardware but my ski partner tricks with one and he has some nice scars where he got cut before he bought a release protector from Reflex http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Wbf2PN_5-mA/TJbgLHu7r_I/AAAAAAAAAow/Pcddk6o6mbQ/s288/2010releaseprotectblue.jpg http://www.reflexworld.com/shop.shtml . My friend likes to go tight on his release so he does not pre release. He is a hand skier only. You can not lock the Silveretta unit. I'm sure you could create some modification that allows you to "lock it" but I would not do that for safety reasons. A hardshell for a trick ski is more for control and not the release aspect. I know FM has an option I think that might be what your looking for. This is offered with the REVO binding http://www.jagersport.com/product_info.php?cPath=74&products_id=181"Specify your system by selecting the various options for toe and heel attachment. The new Air Heel Clamp (non-release) is compatible with the Silvretta Heel. Therefore one boot can be shared between a hands ski with the Air Heel (no-release) and a toes ski with a Silvretta (for release)." I would give them a call (250) 724-1402 or email them pjager@jageng.com . I'm sure they can point you in the right direction. If it was me I would leave the system the way it is and use it in it's intended way with out changing it.
  7. For the turn buoys I would also look into the BubbleBuoys/PowerBuoys from GOODE. http://goode.com/buoys.htm They seem to be the safest on the market right now.
  8. Looking at the head to head brackets I would say I am pulling for an upset with CP & Jeff Rodgers. CP is up in the top 3 all the time so change it up! I know Jeff does not ski a lot of pro events these days so beating Parish would be HUGE for him!
  9. Where are you located at? Try contacting Tadd at h2oproshop.com 1.866.213.7993 they have a great demo program! Tell him you heard about H2O on BOS! I can not comment on the Strada or A1 I have not ridden them. I know HO is coming out with the A2 soon, so you might want to hold out for it.Have you looked at the Elite as well?
  10. If only I could make it to the tournament this weekend...
  11. I agree "Richard Gere" could use a hair cut http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Wbf2PN_5-mA/TI_GqGda-MI/AAAAAAAAAoY/CwglU-OyUWU/s800/45%20%20Men%20Tricks-1%20richard%20gere.jpg
  12. Horton is that because you like their graphics?
  13. Yes that would be a Quantium trick ski
  14. picture from the link above http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Wbf2PN_5-mA/TI6MNu5HrtI/AAAAAAAAAoM/dOhNttWXc0E/s800/45%20%20Men%20Tricks.jpg
  15. Clear coating I guess would be your best option. I would just tape off your ski and just clear coat the area he signed. Andy signed my O'Brien Mapple at one point and it has stared to fade but then Jodi Fisher signed it to and his signature still looks as good as it did when he signed it. I think it has to do with the marker that they used. I'm on the Elite now, all it is missing is Andy's "John Hancock"
  16. I use Safari and I am not switching so y'all will have to live with my posts being all smashed together :) Long Live Apple!
  17. Proskicoach.com had a great part of their site called myskilog.com it allows you to log sets, times, dates, conditions ect. it has a compatible smart phone format. I use it on my iPhone all the time. But If you want a real iPhone app there are some out there that log the training you do but they do not have a skiing option.
  18. Having trouble with DFT? get an EZ Fin Tool! http://vidkingdom.net/content/view/57/84/
  19. Seriously. I can't believe that I read that for nothing. I will never get that time back.
  20. Thats surprising the intergalactic leader has not approved the new technology in the universe
  21. http://www.tricksystems.com is also posting updates and pictures
  22. The closest that Horton will get to being on the cover I would say is his dad wearing a BOS T-Shirt :)
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