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Posts posted by Steven

  1. I'd say that 5" matters for us "meer mortals" !!! I wish I could say that doesn't matter at 39 MS! I pulled a dummy this year. I bought what I thought was a non-switch rope, measured it against my old switch rope and found that it was about 8" longer (the old one was short) The problem was, I don't remember if I compared it with the 39 loop in or out???!!! So, the combo of the short handle and no 39 loop, I ended up 2' + short! OOPS /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-embarassed.gif  35's are a lot easier now!!!
  2. I don't know about Ashley, but I'd like too!!! She sounds like a sweet heart!!!     I got a new RS-1 handle from them and found that it was on the short side. I e-mailed them, and within 1 hour I had gotten 3 return e-mails and a new handle. No questions asked and a nice apology for the in-convenience! I thought that was great! Not only do they have a great product (specifically the MPD) but great customer service! Obviously, Herb and Eddie know the value of a satisfied customer because before they started Radar, I got the same treatment from HO. Needless to say, I am very pleased!!!
  3. Thanks to Ashley and Eric at Radar for  the outstanding customer service today!!!  They were prompt and courteous with their responses, something that's hard to come by in this day and age! It's nice to know that they will stand behind their product and actually care and want to keep you on their product. Thanks again guys for your help!

     Steven Haines

  4. I'm on a 68". I've tried a 67" but felt like I was sinking. I've had to change my diet to be able to stay on the 68". As I'm writing this, I'm eating my "Delicious" karate breakfast. What ever happened to biscuits and gravy. It sucks getting old!!!!!
  5. Our playing field used to be alot more level prior to being force fed Zero Off. IMO the difference between a '99 and '09 is un-noticable until you throw ZO into the mix. So no matter what, us poor individuals who can't afford a new boat will never be able to compete with some one who has a newer boat. The rule about being able to use an older boat is great and (I believe) helps to grow the sport. Promo's aren't always available! 
  6. Hey John,

     Thanks for the info, I passed it on to him, but it sounds like he wants something for nothing. I guess if he was serious he would be actively searching it out on his own!

    Thanks again

    P.S. Congrats to you and your new bride! I wish you the best of luck.

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