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Posts posted by Steven

  1. In Canyon Lake Ca. your boat has to be inspected or tagged (not sure) on the way out of the gates and also on the way back in. On the way out they put a special zip tie or something on the trailer eye. If that zip tie has been tampered with the security guards can tell and some how or another they either make you clean the boat and trailer or keep your boat out of the water for a period of time. Our problem is the Quaga Mussel. I'm a little un-clear of all of the details (as you can tell) I never pull my boat out of the gates so I can avoid all of these issues

  2. My thoughts exactly skidawg! It looks like the fit and feel of the Prodigy will give you the same "locked in" feeling as a true hard shell system. I know that I could get used to the feel of the Strada boot over time, but I've been in FM Hard shells for so long, that the looser feeling around the ankle is foreign to me. It looks like the rear panel is the key release component of the Prodigy. I may be wrong, Just my analogy from viewing the video. They look real nice!
  3. I really hadn't thought too much about the vest before I hurt my back. It seems like it would be cumbersome and would take a lot to get used to. It looks and sounds like it's a lot of hardware to pack around but if it works like everyone says, I might need to try one. I never really thought about the competitive edge that it might provide but if it lessens the load to your body that much I can see where a person would feel as if they could be at a dis advantage. Since I have yet to try one, it would be hard for me choose sides. As for Jeff Milfords case, I think that it's awesome that he can ski at his level after having a serious back injury. At this time, I 'll thank God when I'm able to ski again with or without a PV.   
  4. Thanks for the insight Jeff. On Fathers Day I injured my back pretty bad. I ended up bulging 2 discs in my lower back. It took 2 days for me to be able to get off the floor and has taken a full week to be able to walk un assisted. My fear now is that I'll never get to ski again. In the past 2 days I've seen some improvements and have been able to do some light stretching. I'll be seeing a therapist soon. But in your opinion, will the PV decrease the pressure enough to allow me to ski again (eventually)


    Steven Haines


  5. Are you using the stock fin? I know of a few people using an older HO fin in those or one of Hortons fin. The original fin is more squared off in the tail than the HO fins or even the fin they are using on the Strada. You might try that before sanding.

  6. I've been using that program for the past 2 years and my ski has never felt better! The settings seem whacked out but they work real well. I've found that if you change your set up every 5 degs you can keep you ski feeling exactly the same through out the season no matter where you are.
  7. The only reason for anodizing is to give it a finished look. As for weight, I used a plate that is 80 thou thick, so it's as thin as I can go given my weight (200 #) I've tried the interlock system before and wasn't real comfortable with it. I pre-released a few times and gave up on it before I got hurt. I'm not saying it's a bad system or trying to bash goode. I guess I just wasn't sold on it.


  8. Thanks dsmart! So it's the Radar pattern that matches? The reason I ask is that I have a plate that I had made up at our shop and I only have the Radar hole pattern on it right now. I know that I have to add slots to accomodate D3. I just want to get all of the machining done before I have it anodized. 


  9. That 3 months (felt like) that BOS was out of commission was a very tramatic time in my life! I actually had to work at work to pass the time. I never want to have to got thru that every again! I might have to seek out professional help to get my life back on track.
  10. OSSKI,

    Did you verify the fin settings to be stock or just assume they were stock. A friend of mine just got a 67 and he just assumed they were stock and was having the same problem as you. We checked it out and found that the DFT was way off and re-set it to factory and it woke the ski up. He was pleasantly surprised to say the least!

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