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Posts posted by Steven

  1. I agree with all of the core exercises. That is definately your best bet! I hurt the L5 S1 also and hadn't skied for 7 months. This Christmas I got the Power Vest and I truely believe that the PV will now allow me to ski again. At first it is a little cumbersome but you get used to it quickly once you get it adjusted correctly. I'd be done with out it! Good Luck!
  2. Chef,

    Have you ever had you're thyroid checked? I've had thyroid issues for years. The last 3 years I'd been on a rollercoaster ride of med dosages. 4 months ago I requested to see a specialist. That has been the best thing I've ever done! With in 3 weeks I lost 22 pounds! I haven't been able to ski yet with the new weight loss, but I'm sure it'll help! Gonna try it over Christmas vacation. Hope the new Power Vest allows me to ski on my new Strada! Fingers crossed! XXXXXXX

    Oh ya, what did I learn in 2010? I learned that there "actually" is life without skiing. Imagine that???

  3. I've been moving my fin forward, making it shallower and longer for cold and the opposite for warmer water (boots move forward and back to follow the fin) and it has worked real well for me but now Rossi has an article saying exactly the opposite.?? I know what I'm doing has worked real well for me, but that Rossi article has me real confused! I guess I should try it to find out for myself. 
  4. Ok, Chuck says that you use this in conjunction with your regular fin. How does this work? Wouldn't it create alot of turbulence and cause the tail to blow out? They sure don't give any explanation of how it works????????????
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