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Posts posted by jaredH20

  1. I am friends with the guy who is designing the course. The footage supplied is from my brother.


    At the moment the bouys are going to cost $40-50USD each, but this is at the prototype stage. He envisions the final cost being half of this. While there are many factors that will certainly be hard to overcome I have no doubt someone as dedicated as this can do it.

  2. @ShaneH


    I agree with all your points, I also get the feeling of being back on the ski, took me a while to get used to it but I find the rope stays nice and tight when I do so and the turns are effortless.


    Running my fin at stock.

  3. I can confirm this, spoke to John Mommer & these were his words "The ski is not in production yet. Just unveiled a 1 off sample, so not sure on the ETA of the ski in your area yet."
  4. So what does the new changes in the A3 equate to?

    Almost had my mind set on the HO EXO system with a lower back cuff but am nervous as it seems like no body is using this system. There new Strada like Boots aka the APEX look great. Will you come out of them if you fall tho?

    Currently using a very tired strada boot in the back with a reflex front. I enjoy being able to come forward easily with the strada boot so maybe changing just the back strada boot with the Apex will be better then changing to an Exo system.

  5. yes definitely a new model for 2013, not sure if its just new graphic or re-design.

    Perfski said on facebook that the new model is at nationals so just waiting for some one to upload pictures.

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